Content added or created by users without proper privileges can be approved or disapproved for use in MagicINFO Server.

  1. Click (Content) > Unapproved Content on the main menu bar.
  2. The list of content awaiting for approval appears.
  3. Select content to approve and then click Content Approval.
  4. In the Approve window, enter a comment regarding approval of the content and then click OK.


  • To use the content approval function, the function must be turned on in MagicINFO Server. For details, refer to ► Configuring DataLink ▶ Managing the server
  • With the content approval disabled, the content added or created by MagicINFO Server users is published without approval.
  • Users authorized to manage content can only approve content. Content added by users authorized to manage content is automatically approved and distributed. For details, refer to ► Configuring DataLink ▶ Managing user information

Rejecting content for approval request

To disapprove of using content, select the content from the list and click Reject.

Deleting content for approval request

To delete content from the list, click Delete. Deleted content is moved to Recycle Bin.