Deleting content files

You can delete unnecessary files from the content list because they are unused for a long time or expired.

  1. Click (Content) on the main menu bar.
  2. In the content list, select content to delete. Multiple items can be selected.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. When a pop-up window appears, click OK.

Deleted content is moved to Recycle Bin. Files in Recycle Bin can be restored.


  • If you select a file being used by another user or a file included in a playlist or schedule, a confirmation window appears. The window shows which playlist or schedule is using the content.
  • Click OK in the confirmation window to delete the content. The file is automatically removed from the playlist or schedule it belongs to.

Restoring content from Recycle Bin

  1. Click (Content) > Recycle Bin on the main menu bar.
  2. Select content to restore. Multiple items can be selected.
  3. Click Restore.
  4. In the pop-up window, click OK.

The restored content is moved to the default group.

Deleting content completely

  1. Click (Content) > Recycle Bin on the main menu bar.
  2. Select the content to delete. Multiple items can be selected.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. In the pop-up window, click OK.


  • To delete all contents from Recycle Bin, click Delete All.
  • The content deleted from Recycle Bin cannot be restored.