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« 이전 버전 21 다음 »

MagicINFO V9 Release Notes

Release Date: May, 20, 2021

Build Number: MagicINFO Premium Author 9 NA-MIPA-21.1000.0 , MagicINFO VideoWall Author 9 NA-MIVA-21.1000.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Remove previous version of Author and install new version.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 9 NA-MIPA-21.1000.0  of the MagicINFO Premium Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

            1. S9 Player 지원 및 제약사양 업데이트 (4K 해상도 비디오 4개 동시재생 지원)

What’s New in Version 9 NA-MIVA-21.1000.0  of the MagicINFO VideoWall Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

           1.  지원 모델 업데이트


MagicINFO V8 Release Notes

Release Date: July, 09, 2020

Build Number: MagicINFO Premium Author 8 NA-MIPA-20.1000.3 , MagicINFO VideoWall Author 8 NA-MIVA-20.1000.1

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Remove previous version of Author and install new version.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 8 NA-MIPA-20.1000.3  of the MagicINFO Premium Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

            1. 날씨 요소의  표시 언어 리스트 업데이트 (Chinese(Taiwan) → Taiwanese)

What’s New in Version 8 NA-MIPA-20.1000.2  of the MagicINFO Premium Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

            1. S6/S7 Player 재생 제약 사양 변경

               - Image/Text/Sticker/Shape 등 그래픽요소는 개수 제약없이 추가 가능하도록 수정하였습니다.

               - Video/MediaSlide/InputSource/Document/Web 등 미디어요소는 기존 개수 제약이 유지됩니다.

            2. AccuWeather 요소에 신규 도시 추가 (24개도시)

What’s New in Version 8 NA-MIVA-20.1000.1  of the MagicINFO VideoWall Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

           1.  지원 모델 업데이트


MagicINFO 7.0 Release Notes

Release Date: May, 10, 2019

Build Number: MagicINFO Premium Author 7000.0, MagicINFO VideoWall Author 7000.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Remove previous version of Author and install new version.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 7000.0  of the MagicINFO Premium Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

            1. S7 Player 콘텐츠 저작 지원

            2. S5/S6/S7 Player 이벤트 트리거 Phase2 기능 추가

            3. 웹 요소에서 웹 패키지 속성에 Variable Tag 지원

            4. 웹, CEF 요소에서 불투명도 속성  (I Player Only)

  • Bug modification

            1. 텍스트 요소에서 AM_EVT_TEXT_CHANGED 이벤트가 보이지 않는 수정.

            2.  이벤트 트리거 수정 시 이벤트 트리거 아이템이 추가한 순서대로 보여지지 않는 문제 수정.

What’s New in Version 7000.0  of the MagicINFO VideoWall Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

           1.  지원 모델 추가 (QMR, QBR)


MagicINFO 6.0 Release Notes

Release Date: Jun, 1, 2018

Build Number: Premium Author 6000.3, VideoWall Author 6000.2

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Remove previous version of Author and install new version.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 6000.3  of the MagicINFO Premium Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

            1. S6 Player 콘텐츠 저작 지원

            2. 이벤트 트리거 Phase2 기능 추가 (I Player Only)
                - 내부 이벤트 설정 지원
                - 요소의 EventTrigger 설정 지원
                - 이벤트 통계 기능 지원

            3. I Player 신규 요소 지원
                - 날씨, 시각효과, CEF, QR코드 요소 추가

            4. S5 Player 지원 요소 추가
                - 플래시 요소 지원

            5. 프로그램 아이콘 및 splash 이미지 변경

  • Bug modification

            1. 위자드로 콘텐츠 생성 시 설정한 모릿글, 바닥글 적용안되는 문제 수정.
            2. 이벤트 트리거 기능에서 비디오 요소의 불투명도 설정이 동작안하는 문제 수정.
            3. 글로벌 페이지는 내부 이벤트를 설정할 수 없도록 수정.
            4. 비활성화 설정된 이벤트 트리거가 미리보기에서 동작하는 문제 수정.
            5. 이벤트 트리거 편집 시 설정한 동작(action)이 아닌 다른 동작이 보여지는 문제 수정.
            6. 요소를 더블 클릭하여 전체화면으로 변경 한 후 실행 취소 시 x,y 좌표가 변경되지 않는 문제 수정.

What’s New in Version 6000.2  of the MagicINFO VideoWall Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

           1. 프로그램 아이콘 및 splash 이미지 변경.

  • Bug modification

           1. 비디오 요소 추가 시 클리핑 종료 시간이 항상 1분으로 표시되는 문제 수정.


What’s New in Version 3301.0 of the Author 

  • Function addition/modification/improvement 

         1. i Player의 요소 추가/ 속성 추가 및 수정

             - 외부입력 요소의 입력종류 속성에서 HDMI1_PC, HDMI2_PC, HDMI3_PC 항목 삭제

             - 미디어슬라이드 요소의 채우기방식 속성 지원 

         2. S5 Player의 요소 추가/ 속성 추가 및 수정

             - 웹 요소에 Web Package, Startup Page 속성 추가

             - 데이터 모듈 요소에서 암호화된 패스워드 속성 지원

             - 텍스트 요소에서 문장뱡향과 자막흐름방향 변경 시 워드랩 비활성화 되지 않도록 수정.

         3. S4 Player의 요소 추가/ 속성 추가 및 수정

             - 미디어RSS 요소 지원

             - 도형 요소의 클리핑 속성 지원

             - 웹 요소에 Web Package, Startup Page, 갱신 주기 속성 추가

             - 데이터 모듈 요소에서 암호화된 패스워드 속성 지원

             - 텍스트 요소에서 문장뱡향과 자막흐름방향 변경 시 워드랩 비활성화 되지 않도록 수정.

         4. 기능 추가 및 수정

             - Event Trigger 기능 지원(S5 Player 추가 지원)

             - 콘텐츠 배포시 서버 패스워드에 특수문자 인코딩 적용

             - 시간별날씨, 오늘의 날씨, 주간 날씨 요소 시간 포맷 변경 (09:00 -> 9:00)

  • Bug modification

         1. 포르투갈, 스페인, 프랑스어 설정 시 비디오 요소 속성명이 안보이는 문제 수정.

         2. 플래시 요소 전역화/비전역화 반복시 프로그램 종료되는 문제 수정.

         3. 전역 페이지에서 요소 이동시 프로그램 종료되는 문제 수정.

         4. 요소 비전역화 시 첫번째 페이지의 이미지 요소의 썸네일이 기본 이미지로 보여지는 문제 수정.

         5. 이미지나 비디오 요소의 불투명도 속성값 설정 시 캔버스와 썸네일에서 정상적으로 보여지지 않는 문제 수정.

         6. 도형 요소의 잘못된 속성명 변경(채우기 불투명도 -> 선 색상으로 변경)

         7. 도형 요소의 꺽임선 비율이 0~100 사이에서만 변경되도록 수정. 

What’s New in Version 3011.0

  • Adding features

         1. 콘텐츠 배포시 서버 패스워드에 특수문자 인코딩 적용

  • Bug fixes

         1. 데이터링크 - TTS 속성 보여지는 문제수정.

Release Date: Jul, 3, 2017
Build Number: Author 3300.1, I player 3300.1

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3300.1 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Event Trigger 기능 신규 추가 : Author 에서 정의된 Event 종류 및 값이 발생하면 정의된 동작을 수행하는 기능
      1. 지원 외부 Event 종류 : Serial(RS232C), UDP Network
      2. 동작 종류 : Page 전환
    2. 신규 요소 및 속성(Property) 추가
      1. 신규 요소 : MediaRSS 요소
      2. Wayfinding Icon Sticker 요소들 추가
      3. 웹 요소 : 압축형태(zip)로 된 Web Package 파일 지원, 시작(Startup) 페이지 속성 추가
      4. Analog Clock 요소 : GMT 속성 지원
  2. Bug modification
    1. 텍스트 요소의 워드랩, 자막 흐름 방향 속성 설정 시 제대로 재생 안되는 문제 수정.
    2. Videowall 모드의 Playlist 를 Videowall 로 재생하지 않던 문제 수정
    3. MagicInfo Server 의 Author ("Create Content") 에서 생성한 datalink 요소의 컨텐츠를 설정할 때, Server에 있는 컨텐츠 파일들로 리스트를 설정하면 재생되지 않던 문제점 수정
    4. Datalink 요소를 보이지 않도록 속성값을 설정했음에도 보이던 문제점 수정

What’s New in Version 3300.1 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. S5 Player 타입 지원
      1. S5 Player 모델에 대한 콘텐츠 저작 기능 지원
    2. Event Trigger 기능 추가 (I Player만 지원)
    3. 신규 요소 및 속성 추가
      1. MediaRSS 요소 지원 (I/ S5 Player만 지원)
      2. Wayfinding Icon용 Sticker 요소 추가
      3. 웹 요소에 Web Package, Startup Page 속성 추가 ( I Player만 지원)
  2. Bug modification
    1. S ~ S5 Player에서 PDF 요소 미리보기 안되는 문제 수정.
    2. 텍스트 요소의 워드랩, 자막 흐름 방향 속성 설정 시 미리보기 제대로 안되는 문제 수정.

MagicInfo Premium 3.2 Release Notes

Release Date: Apr, 3, 2017
Build Number: Author 3206.2, VW Author 3010.1 I player 3205.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3205.0 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Improved the process logic that gets operated by receiving the VW Layout again from the server, in case if the VideoWall Layout is deleted due to the replacement of SBB that was operated with the previous VW Layout
  2. Bug modification
    1. The problem of a white line shown on the upper corner of both sides when the message schedule is distributed has been fixed.

What’s New in Version 3010.1 of the VW Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Supported models added.
      Added models : DC43H, DC55H, PH43F-P, PH49F-P, PH55F-P, PM43H, PM49H, PM55H, OM55F
  2. Bug modification
    1. The problem of program being shut down when the VWL file that includes the name of the models that are not supported gets opened has been fixed.

What’s New in Version 3206.2 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Limitations in S4 Player specification has been fixed:
      1. Key frame is now supported in image elements.
      2. The image element can now be moved going outside of the canvas screen.
      3. GIF file supported.
      4. In, Out effects in text element are now supported.
      5. Appending Window is now supported.
      6. File property in web element is now supported.
      7. In digital clock element, the language property that can be shown on the screen is now supported.
      8. Opacity property for the lines in shape element is now supported.
    2. Limitations in the S3 Player has been fixed:
      1. In digital clock element, the language property that can be shown on the screen is now supported.
    3. Limitations in the S2 Player has been fixed:
      1. In digital clock element, the language property that can be shown on the screen is now supported.
  2. Bug modification
    1. The problem of program being shut down when moving the text element that is included in master page using keyboard has now been fixed.
    2. When producing S4 Player contents, the problem of text toolbar being activated in the editing mode of the text element has been fixed.
    3. When previewing the text element, the problem of font size shown bigger in the preview screen than in the canvas screen has been fixed.
    4. The problem of the element size becoming smaller when being moved outside of the canvas after rotation has been fixed.
    5. The problem of errors in changing element size after rotation has been fixed.

Release Date: Jan, 12, 2017
Build Number: I player 3204.0, Author 3205.2

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3204.0 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Contents Download improved
    2. Text Element improved (Font Family applied)
    3. RM mode added (If a player is set not to be used, then will be delivered as 'RIPLAYER' to the server)
  2. Bug modification
    1. Previously, MagicInfo Client and RDC could not be connected on Windows 7 64bit. This problem has been solved.
    2. On the schedule, the operation of PlayerMode(Single, VWL) / SafetyLock has been modified.

What’s New in Version 3205.2 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Changes in the limited specification of S4 Player are reflected.
    2. The limitation in the number of types of fonts for the text element where the “flow” property is applied has been removed.
  2. Bug modification
    1. In S4 Player, the data source related property for the text element has been added.
    2. In S4 Player, if the font type of text element is of SamsungSVDMedium group, distribution was not available. However, this problem has been fixed.
    3. For the case of S4 Player, the problem of data source related property being shown differently from the setting on whether to use the data module or not has been fixed.
    4. In S3/S4 Player, the problem of the sub-menu of the data module setting not being shown automatically even when the mouse is over has been fixed.

Release Date: Nov, 01, 2016
Build Number: I player 3203.0, Author 3204.2

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3203.0 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement 
    1. Multiple languages supported when showing date on RSS element
    2. Multiple languages supported in Digital Clock element
    3. Added line transparency property on Shape element
    4. The phenomenon of showing a minor black gap when effect is set on sequential play of image element has been modified

What’s New in Version 3204.2 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Limited specifications in S4 Player has been changed
      1. In text element, shadow and outline properties are supported.
      2. The limitation in the number of text element has been changed to the maximum of 150 items
      3. When creating the contents, the user defined resolution will now be supported.
      4. When creating the contents, ‘original size’ will be supported on the display option value
  2. Limited specifications in S3 Player has been changed
    1. On the video element, graphic elements (image element, text element, shape element, word art element) can now be located.
  3. Requested items reflected.
    1. Language option is added to digital clock element (only supported in I Player)
    2. In the shape element, opacity property for the lines is added (only supported in I Player)
    3. The default font in S4 Player is changed to SamsungOneUI 400
    4. The default values for the shadow property and outline property in text element are changed

Release Date: Sep, 29, 2016
Build Number: I player 3202.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3202.0 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Added the option to download only the contents that correspond with the device Tag
    2. Modified the SSL access logic (complemented the environment of using authorization certification)

Release Date: July, 30, 2016
Build Number: Author 3203.1, VW Author 3009.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3203.1 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Stretch Model(S3 Player type) Supported
    2. When producing MagicInfo contents, contents production function of Stretch model is supported
  2. Bug modification

What’s New in Version 3009.0 of the VW Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
  2. Bug modification
    1. Modified the problem of program being shown in English even when installed in Taiwanese.
    2. Modified to show the thumbnail of video instead of a default image
    3. when you select ‘Do not analyze information for the video file’ on Setting – Option – Design – Element.
    4. Modified to be shown the element in the only selected monitor when you add an element after selecting the monitor.

Release Date: June, 30, 2016
Build Number: Author 3202.6, Player 3201.8.

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3202.6 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. S4 Player type supported
    2. When producing MagicInfo contents, contents producing function supported for S4 Player models.
  2. Bug modification
    1. Modified not to allow changing layers of elements in a group on properties screen.
    2. Modified to have a change in layers of elements in a group if the layer of a group gets changed.
    3. Modified the problem of the application being crashed if effect gets changed into a passthru type.
    4. Changed the unit for showing temperature in Accuweather element.
    5. Modified the problem of font tool bar not being renewed when Text, RSS, WordArt, Digital Clock elements are selected on a Timeline screen.
    6. Modified not to show any message box in the Silent mode uninstall.

What’s New in Version 3201.8 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Modified to not download contents that have been expired on a playlist.
    2. Accuweather temperature C/F to be shown.
  2. Bug modification
    1. Improved the stability in contents downloading.
    2. VideoWall In-Effect, Sync
    3. Player S/W update stability improved.
    4. Text Element : Line Spacing, Effect direction

Release Date: May 12, 2016
Build Number: Server 3106.1, VW Author 3008.0, DataLink Server 3101.2

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3106.1 of the Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. For the case of SignagePlayer type device, it can now be set as Layout Editor.
      1. However, this is available only in case when there is only one unit of device connected below.
    2. All the delete operations of storage inside the device will be supported also for the case when multiple number of devices are selected.
  2. Bug modification
    1. We have modified the phenomenon of the device name set being initialized at the point of device approval.
    2. We have modified the case for the real file not going deleted when contents are deleted on server.
    3. When update patch gets operated, it has been modified to have the environmental variables, path, settings files, etc. be identified in advance.
      (Log file : C:\MagicInfo Premium\tomcat_bitbat.txt, C:\MagicInfo Premium\tomcat_update_detail.txt)

What’s New in Version 3101.2 of the DataLink Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. has been updated to tomcat8
    2. The weather module has been deleted due to license going expired, and Json module has been added.
    3. Taiwanese language has been added.
    4. Clustering function that uses apache loadingbalancing has been added.
    5. Partial data update function has been added for xml, json modules.
      1. Immediate View (refresh), Overall Data Change (all), Partial Data Change (sub), Partial Data Add (append), Partial Data Delete (delete)
  2. Bug modification
    1. When connecting db, the config, log settings have been changed so that the ip basic value can be used as
    2. dataview error modified (If there are letters such as , " ', errors for the case when there are multilanguages in query have been modified.)
    3. The error that occurs in case the data value in a column goes over 1000 characters has been modified.
    4. The error that occurs in case there are more than 1000 units of data amount has been modified.
    5. The error that occurs in case there are the characters such as @, : in ID or password when accessing smb has been modified.
    6. exchange module user information error modified
    7. After normal preview on dataview query, the problem of error query preview being allowed to be saved and errors occurring has been modified.
    8. When the version above jre 1.7 is installed, the error that occurs when accessing log-in page has been modified.
    9. When selecting db module – oracle, the error that occurs in case the column name is in number has been modified.
    10. When modifying module, the error that occurs in case the bundle ID is wrongly deduced has been modified.
    11. The error that occurs for the previous license that has already been registered has been modified.
    12. Tags for multiple data link is now to be supported in case clients request.
    13. The 404 error that occurs in case the service gets added has been modified.

What’s New in Version 3008.0 of the VW Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
  2. Bug modification
    1. Revised the problem that the setting of group synchronization was not saved.

Release Date: April, 18, 2016
Build Number: Author 3200.1, Player 3200.0.

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3200.1 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Properties Added to Previous Elements
      1. Clipping properties added to shape elements (for the case of i Player)
      2. Opacity, Rotation Property supported in Sticker elements (for the case of i Player)
      3. Shadow, Outline, Character spacing functions supported to text element (for the case of i Player)
    2. Previous Element Deleted
      1. Weather element not to be supported
    3. MagicInfo Author/Player v3.2 provides text element with improved functions
      In order to use the improved text element, OS that is above Microsoft Windows 7 and above IE 10 or Platform Update (KB2670838) should be installed. If your OS does not satisfy the above requirement, there comes a limitation when applying letter space text element.
    4. Improved Text Element Function
      1. Outline Effect Applied to Text Element
      2. Shadow Effect Applied to Text Element
      3. Letter Space Applied to Text Element
      4. Line Space Applied to Text Element
  2. Bug modification
    1. The default value of the protocol for Publish Screen, Server Screen has been modified to be shown as the most recently set value.
    2. The template thumbnail image that is basically provided has been modified.
    3. The problem of element not being moved to an empty layer at the timeline has been modified.
    4. The problem of Publish being not carried out to ftps protocol has been modified.

What’s New in Version 3200.0 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Advertisement Schedule function has been added
      1. Slot
      2. Micro Schedule (independently played)
    2. Strengthen the performance of playing text element and additional functions have been added
      1. Anti-aliasing, Scroll improved
      2. Shadow, Outline, Character spacing functions supported to text element
    3. Element Function Added
      1. Clipping properties added to shape elements
      2. Opacity, Rotation Property supported in Sticker elements
      3. Streamfilter MPEG2 to be supported
    4. Improvement has been made to download only the files that need to be played if the VWL of VideoWall Schedule is Mosaic Mode
    5. Audience Measurement Strengthened
      1. Gender Engine Update (Previously 3 Stages -> 5 Stages) has been Applied and Reflected to the Statistics
    6. MagicInfo Author/Player v3.2 provides text element with improved functions
      In order to use the improved text element, OS that is above Microsoft Windows 7 and above IE 10 or Platform Update (KB2670838) should be installed. If your OS does not satisfy the above requirement, there comes a limitation when applying letter space text element.
    7. Improved Text Element Function
      1. Outline Effect Applied to Text Element
      2. Shadow Effect Applied to Text Element
      3. Letter Space Applied to Text Element
      4. Line Space Applied to Text Element
  2. Bug modification
    1. Problem of Sync Play not being operated intermittently has now been revised
    2. In Effect Loop Error Modified
    3. When AM Mode is changed, the problem of Config file not being saved has now been revised

MagicInfo Premium 3.1 Release Notes

Release Date: Jan 20, 2016
Build Number: Author 3105.3, Player 3107.2, MagicInfo Server 3105.3 ,VW Author 3007.3

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3105.3 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement 
    1. Added Language Support : Taiwanese
  2. Bug modification
    1. Revised the problem of ‘0’ not being able to be input on the property value for data transition time of image, text element.
    2. Revised the problem of play time being set as 1 minute for the videos with the play time of more than 1 hour.

What’s New in Version 3107.2 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Added Language Support : Taiwanese
    2. Added support for the function of setting Windows 7 Rotation in server. (Previously, Windows XP was only supported.)
  2. Bug modification
    1. Revised the problem of not playing in the font size set in the server when distributing Message schedule of Videowall mode.

What’s New in Version 3105.3 of the Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Added Language Support : Taiwanese
  2. Bug modification
    1. Revised the problem of the device name being initialized when approving a device in power off status.
    2. Revised not to delete the group where the manager of the organization is involved.
    3. Revised the error message related to MDD file in Layout Editor.
    4. Revised the error related to LITE device.

What’s New in Version 3007.3 of the VW Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Added Language Support : Taiwanese
  2. Bug modification

Release Date: Dec 8, 2015
Build Number: Author 3104.0, Player 3106.4, MagicInfo Server 3104.3 ,VW Author 3006.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3104.0 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Android Player type supported.
      : When contents are created, A Player gets added in player type.
    2. Usability Improvement
      : When setting the letter color, the fill color in content wizard, intuitive color marking method is added.
      : In timeline control button, tool tip / showing highlight status / showing inactivation status are added.
  2. Bug modification
    1. A problem of video element being located below other elements when opening LFD file produced for the use of S3 Player is solved.

What’s New in Version 3106.4 of the I player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. daisy chain function support
      1. Device monitoring and controlling function for models connected to SBB are added
        However, the value of BoolUseDaisyChainChild of Configuration.ini is set to be above 1 as shown below.
    2. Custom resolution function is added
  2. Bug modification
    1. The problem of Text align of LFT, functioning to left while being set to function to right is corrected.

What’s New in Version 3104.3 of the Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. iPlayer daisy chain function support
      1. Device monitoring and controlling function are added for models connected to SBB
    2. custom play resolution setting function for iPlayer is added
      1. For iPlayer supporting the relevant function, menu gets activated in device setting menu.
    3. When playing CIFS/FTP content, a function to play the files organized in alphabetical order is added
    4. Free license for Android player is added
    5. tomcat7 version is applied
  2. Bug modification
    1. screen capture view error during device monitoring is revised
    2. Revision for the items where error occurs when setting device display control
    3. Revision for diverse language translation errors in schedule creation menu
    4. When setting video wall layout, LFD model information related error message has been modified to be understood easily.

What’s New in Version 3006.0 of the VW Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
  2. Bug modification
    1. When distributing S Player contents, the elements which do not have the area shown on the screen will be excluded from the checking of limitation items.

Release Date: Oct 7, 2015
Build Number: Author 3103.3, Player 3105.2, MagicInfo Server 3103.1

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Player : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3105.2 of the I Player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Add supports for random inserts contents function
      1. Add function that plays at random for designated amount of times by selecting random inserts contents when creating the playlist
    2. Add support for statistics function for each file on VWL contents
      1. Transmit statistics data on play of each file for VWL content
  2. Bug modification

What’s New in Version 3103.3 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Improve operation of sub-function for table elements.
  2. Bug modification
    1. When background image of Analog Clock element was distributed after being changed, the changed content was not applied on LFD file. This problem was corrected.
    2. When data link template file produced for the use of S3 Player was opened in Author and distributed, the file list was left empty in the Publish Job window. This problem was corrected.
    3. After adding layer in timeline and text element was added on canvas, the program was shut down. This problem was corrected.
    4. For the cases of S2/S3 Player, when Web element was added on canvas, the file selection screen is set not to pop up. (HTML file is not supported.)
    5. If the cell boundary of a table is changed and the cell is double-clicked, the changed boundary was not maintained. This problem was corrected.
    6. When video file was added in content wizard, the content was not created fully on canvas.

What’s New in Version 3103.1 of the Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Add supports for random inserts contents function
      1. Add function that plays at random for designated amount of times by selecting random inserts contents when creating the playlist.
    2. Add support for statistics function for each file on VWL contents
      1. Transmit statistics data on play of each file for VWL content
  2. Bug modification
    1. Modified the UI error that shows CIFS contents are supported for the models above S3Player
    2. Modified the error of falsely showing schedule distribution status for the case of Signage Player.
    3. Modified the problem of CIFS contents not being registered for the contents file of the same.
    4. Starting time effect was not applied when modifying playlist.
    5. Modified the problem of the occurrence of error when selecting “ALL” among the list in Device-Monitoring menu.
    6. Modified the error of contents play status UI for the case of Multi frame schedule.
    7. Corrected the problem of the occurrence of error when distributing after re-opening the LFT file for S3Player.
    8. Corrected the problem of RM server not functioning when changing route for runtime folder of the server, when using SSL.
    9. When setting video wall layout through Layout Author, the monitors of S2/S3 player could not have rotation function but there was a bug that showed as if the function can be enabled. This bug was corrected.

Release Date: Aug 6, 2015
Build Number: Author 3102.3, Player 3103.0, MagicInfo Server 3102.4

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of Author and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of VW author and install new version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3103.0 of the I Player

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
  2. Bug modification
    1. Corrected synchronization problem when playing the playlist at the Videowall status.
    2. Corrected the cases when wrong values were sent when Checksum error occurs during the network between the i player and LFD set when automatic check order is performed.

What’s New in Version 3102.3 of the Author

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
  2. Bug modification
    1. Corrected the problem of (sudden) closure of programs when schedule is distributed in MagicInfo Scheduler.
    2. Corrected not to create schedule when the schedule name contains special characters [", \, $, %, {, }, |, &, ^, #, ↓] for MagicInfo Scheduler.
    3. Corrected the problem of (sudden) closure of programs when the cell delete menu is performed after adding a Table element.
    4. Changed the image of the sticker which had typing error.
    5. Corrected the problem of having no initial value for the page duration policy in the page property window in case when the value set for the page duration policy of the option is not supported by the S/S2/S3 Player.
    6. Corrected to distinguish the uninstall file by changing its file name which was previously the same as that of the VideoWall Author.

What’s New in Version 3102.4 of the Server

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. Added the initialization for internal memory storage in SPlayer type.
      1. In case of the SPlayer that supports the function, the button is activated in the tab for device setting.
    2. When selecting the contents, filtering function by “types” was added along with the function to filter by “groups”
      1. When select the contents in the schedule or in the playlist, filtering function by “types” was added to the filtering function by “groups”.
    3. Supported to include “.” when creating UserId.
    4. Supported operate Layout author when using https.
    5. Added the function to call manually for sending request-statistics of iPlayer/SPlayer
      1. Sending request-statistics button was added at the tab for device setting, and the latest request time is also to be marked.
  2. Bug modification
    1. Corrected the bug which does not show when creating multi-frame in custom type when create the schedule.
    2. Corrected the bug that changes the option value for content synchronization into “off” sometimes when modified the schedule.

Release Date: Jun 11, 2015
Build Number: Author 3101.x, Player 3102.6, MagicInfo Server 3101.x

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.

  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new version.

  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of client and install new version.

  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3101.3 of the Author

  • The License policy of Premium Author is changed. Now the issuance of SLM license is not necessary for it.
  • Now user can manually set the font size of the selected text in the edit mode.
  • Added line spacing functions for text elements
  • Changed the limitation for the file size from 10MB to 20MB for image elements for S2, S3 Players
  • Modified to allow setting of "Playing properties" for web elements in S2, S3 Players
  • Modified to check for the possibility of overlapping, only for elements which have overlapping constraints when distributed .
  • Available effects were enabled or disabled in the properties by ways to add elements to canvas. Now they work correctly.
  • Modified to allow adjusting the transparency for the background screen of Weather Elements(7Day Forecast, Hourly Forecast, Today's Forecast)
  • If the global page was set "hidden" and the "Publish" operation was failed. Now it's fixed.
  • The constraint "The number of available fonts" was not applied for copy-and-pasted text elements. Now it counts correctly.
  • The button “Initialize” was renamed to “Reset” in the Option dialog from "Menu - Option" to show its purpose clearly.

What’s New in Version 3102.6 of the I Player

  • Synchronization function for different contents
    • If you distribute a schedule after adding a sync play-type playlist in order to play different content simultaneously in the server, the content will be played in sync.
  • Strengthened Backup functions
    • If there is a problem in equipment while synchronization is enabled, the equipment provided for backup supports both the schedule for the equipment and the proceedings of synchronization
  • Added to allow adjusting the degrees of transparency for the background screen of Weather Elements(7Day Forecast, Hourly Forecast, Today's Forecast)

What’s New in Version 3101.2 of the Server

MagicInfo Server (3101.2)

  1. Synchronization function for each different content
    1. Playlist of sync play-type added for the proceedings of synchronization for each different content
    2. Scenarios for the usage in server are as follows:
      1. tags added for each device beforehand
      2. create playlist of sync play-type for the proceedings of synchronization for each different content
      3. distribute tags assigned to device to contents group, after choosing playlist of sync play-type when scheduling
  2. Added back-up mode for device
    1. Added one-to-one (1:1) mode to assign particular device when setting up for backup functions
  3. Support for Signage Player Box
    1. provide controlling functions for Signage Player Box for scanning, monitoring, etc. (Signage Player license needed)
  4. tag function usage improved
    1. added tag control functions for each category
    2. added tag filtering/searching functions
    3. added the use status view function in each tag.
    4. added tag View functions while monitoring
  5. support Java 1.8
  6. No support for Postgres 8.3 when newly installing
    1. No support for Postgres 8.X version, official support for Postgres 9.3
  7. Bug corrected
    1. Modified to edit DST in total for the same type of device
    2. Modified to show VWL mode option when modifying VWL schedule
    3. Modified to operate WebAuthor previewer in 64bit environment
    4. Modified to add User Role

DataLink Server (3100.0)

  1. SLM License Policy Changed
    1. Support paid, non-paid, free license as with MagicInfo Server license policy
  2. Bug corrected
    1. 500 Error of a page corrected
    2. Corrected to use the latest API when connected with Google calendar

Release Date: Mar 11, 2015
Build Number: Author 3100.3, Player 3100.7, Server 3100.x

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of client and install new version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is supported from V3.0(3000.x) to V3.1(3100.x).
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3100.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’sNew in Version 3100.3 of the Author

- V3.1 Author (3100.3)

  1. It supports the S3 Player model for 2015.
    1. It supports functions to create MagicInfo content for S3 Player that will be released in 2015.
  2. It supports the creation of new elements. (V3.1 i Player / S3 Player)
    1. AcuuWeather: The weather of a region set up by the user can be displayed by receiving weather information from the AccuWeather website.
    2. Sticker: Content can be created by using various stickers provided when the program is installed.
    3. Datalink Indicator: The normal operation status of the Datalink function can be displayed in image.
    4. DataModule: The change of the text and image elements can be dynamically displayed based on data collected through the use of external MS SQL data.
  3. Functions have been added and improved.
    1. Streaming Video: In case content is created for V3.1 i / S3 Player, a streaming video can be played by entering a network URL in a video element.
    2. Input Source (Portrait mode): In case content is created for S2/S3 Player, input sources can be added in the portrait resolution.
    3. Recommended Transition Effect: Among various effects provided, it recommends effects to the user by grouping them.
    4. The image used as default for the analog clock has been improved.
    5. Font Package Creation: In case content is created for V3.1 i / S3 Player, various fonts can become available once a program to support diverse fonts is installed and the user can add fonts he/she wishes to use.

What’s New in Version 3100.7 of the Player

- V3.1 Player I (3100.7)

  1. Audience Statistics
    1. Once a USB camera (product supported: Signage Camera) is connected, a face can be recognized and the face recognition result can be used for schedule and statistics.
  2. New Element Play
    1. AcuuWeather: It can display the weather of a region set up by the user by receiving weather information from the AccuWeather website.
    2. Sticker: Content can be displayed by using various stickers provided when the program is installed.
    3. Datalink Indicator: It can display the normal operation status of the Datalink function in image.
  3. Element Addition and Improvement
    1. Streaming Video: A function to play a streaming video by entering a network URL in a video element has been added.
      Additional support protocols are RTP (AV Profile) and RTSP.
  4. PC Support Except Samsung SBB-embedded OS
    1. MS Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 Professional or higher) (32bit, 64bit) : In the combination of PC and Samsung Signage Display, Samsung Signage Display can be controlled to a certain extent through the RDC option.

What’s New in Version 3100.x of the Server

- Server (3100.x)

  1. It supports S3 Player that will be released 2015.
    1. It supports S3 Player for 2015 that is equipped in Smart Signage.
  2. A function that creates new content to play streaming videos has been added.
  3. A function that recognizes audience has been added.
    1. It provides statistical information by recognizing the faces of the audience through LFD connected to a USB camera and utilizing information collected, such as age and gender.
    2. It is possible to set up in a playlist to change content in accordance with audience who stares at content. (iPlayer only)
  4. A function that approves content used in the server has been added.
    1. An option that schedules content after the content is uploaded and approved has been provided.
  5. A function that monitors schedule and content distribution status has been added.
  6. A function that automatically sets up a time zone for S/S2/S3 Player has been provided.
    1. It is possible only when all devices use the same time zone.
  7. A menu that displays device information by each item has been added.
    1. A function that displays device lists for time zone not set up, lack of capacity, schedule undistributed, and content error has been added.
  8. A function that remotely turns on power through TCP/IP when LFD’s network standby setting is used has been added.
    1. It is possible only when the network standby setting value among LFD setting values is on.
  9. It supports MS-SQL 2012.
  10. It supports a new license in the DataLink server.
  11. Bugs have been resolved.
    1. When connecting Lite devices, the DST screen was not shown occasionally in the device settings menu. This problem has been resolved.
    2. When connecting Lite devices, the Lite H/W Control menu was not shown in the schedule. This problem has been resolved.
    3. Contents Uploader is now supported in the Java version 1.7.
    4. When adding a module in the DataLink server, Error 500 occurred. This problem has been resolved.

MagicInfo Premium 3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: Jan 15, 2015
Build Number: Author 3005.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3005.0 of the Author

- Author (3005.0)

  1. Bug modification
    1. Fix the problem which the user input couldn’t be entered in edit field of the script wizard.

Release Date: Dec 19, 2014
Build Number: Server 3004.4, Author 3004.7, Player 3004.6, VideoWall Author 3002.0

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new 3004.7 version.
  • VideoWall Author: Remove previous version of client and install new 3002.0 version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new 3004.6 version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is not supported due to lack of license compatibility between V2.0(200x) and V3.0(3001.x), only new installation is possible.
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.
    But, If you use V1.0 version or V2.0(2000.x), Upgrade “prm_3001_updater.zip” before you upgrade, and then “prm_3004.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3004.x

- Player (3004.6)

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. A function to limit the network bandwidth has been added.
    2. The MagicInfo player update protocol has been changed.
    3. The temporary data saving location when an RSS element is played has been changed. (Temporary Folder in the Install folder -> Temporary Folder in the Repository folder)
    4. In case the server’s playlist schedule is distributed, video files will be checked by units of msec. (Previously, it was checked by units of second.) As the result, the last frame of video will not be partially cut.
    5. The authority to execute the player has been changed. The player will be executed not only by Windows OS Administrator authority but also by User authority.
  2. Bug modification
    1. When the schedule is distributed, the Taskbar of the Windows OS appears from time to time. This problem has been addressed.
    2. When a video file in the folder designated by MediaSlide element is played, the file malfunctions. This problem has been addressed.

- Author (3004.7)

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement
    1. When new contents are created, the resolution value, which was most recently set, will be shown as default.
    2. In case an LFD file for I Player is created, HDMI3 and HDMI 3_PC will be added to the external input element.
    3. In case an LFD file for S2 Player is created, HDMI 2 and HDMI 3 will be added to the external input element.
    4. Web element, which is not supported when an LFD file for S Player is created, has been deleted.
    5. Event Raiser>Timer/Weather elements, which are not supported when an LFD file for S2 Player is created, have been deleted.
    6. The effects below, which are not supported when an LFD file for S2 Player is created, will be inactive.
      1. Fly On (FlyZoom ,FlyZoomWave ,FlyZoomX ,FlyZoomY)
      2. Zoom (BouncingIris ,Presenting ,Stretch)
      3. Push (Clasp ,DoubleROllOn ,UnrollStrips)
      4. Reveal (SplitBlinds)
      5. Push (DoubleROllOn)
    7. In case a file is added to video element when an LFD file for S and S2 Players is created, the file filter conditions will be different. (The file filter conditions have been modified.)
    8. In case a file is added to Flash element when an LFD file for S Player is created, the file filter conditions will be different. (The filter conditions have been modified.)
    9. In case background music is selected when an LFD file for S and S2 Players is created, .mp3 files will only be selected. (The filter conditions have been modified.)
    10. The Internet Explorer icon and name have been changed. (Icon: Globe shape, Name: Web)
  2. Bug modification
    1. When Script Wizard is executed for the first time, a list is not shown. This problem has been addressed.
    2. After the license is certified, the license manager is executed from time to time. This problem has been addressed.
    3. When the toolbar is reset, fonts that are not used in S2 Player are shown. This problem has been addressed.
    4. Silent Install bug modification : In case Silent is uninstalled, a message box is executed. This problem has been addressed.
    5. Uninstall bug modification : In case Author and VideoWall Author are installed simultaneously and one of them is uninstalled, the other author’s register key value is deleted. This problem has been addressed.

- Server (3004.4)


Install the 3004.5 hotfix file After installing the server program(3004.4) or server patch(3004.4)

  1. Function addition/modification/improvement 
    1. A function to adjust the network bandwidth of the player has been added.
    2. The player’s firmware update function and UI have been improved.
    3. A function to report various errors occurred in the player has been improved.
  2. Bug modification
    1. When S2 Player is remote-controlled, it operates abnormally on IE. This problem has been addressed.
    2. The Setup menu of the Lite device does not operate. This problem has been addressed.

- VideoWall Author (3002.0)

  1. Bug modification
    1. After a VWL file is saved, VW Divider is not executed normally. This problem has been addressed.
    2. Silent Install bug modification : In case of Silent is uninstalled, a message box is executed. This problem has been addressed.
  2. Uninstall bug modification : In case Author and VideoWall Author are installed simultaneously and one of them is uninstalled, the other author’s register key value is deleted. This problem has been addressed.

Release Date: Sep 1, 2014
Build Number: Server 3003.3 Author 3003.2 Player 3003.2

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new 3000.0 version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new 3001.1 version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is not supported due to lack of license compatibility between V2.0(200x) and V3.0(3001.x), only new installation is possible.
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.
    But, If you use V1.0 version or V2.0(2000.x), Upgrade “prm_3001_updater.zip” before you upgrade, and then “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3003.x

- Player (3003.2)

  1. Function addition/modification
    1. An input source scheduling function is added.
    2. The number of the playlist content is increased to a maximum of 200. (Previously, 100)
    3. improve the speed of text scrolling when the Full HD and Text scrolling displayed simultaneously
  2. Bug modification
    1. In case an element (e.g. text) is clicked after it is rotated a bit, the element still works only in its original position (before rotation). This problem is addressed, and the element works in its rotated position.

- Author (3003.2),

  1. Function addition/modification
    1. In case of S and S2 Player types, input source elements do not appear in the pivot (1280X1920) resolution.
    2. An internet window is not open after distribution is completed.
  2. Bug modification
    1. Flash files operate as data link elements in the author tool. This problem is addressed, and flash files do not work as data link elements in the author tool.
    2. The license window cannot be opened after the content is opened. This problem is addressed.

- VideoWall Author 3001.1

  1. Function addition/modification
    1. MDD file models are added.
  2. Bug modification
    1. Overlapping input source elements are deleted.
    2. For some models, matrix information in the MDCVideowall specifications is wrong. This problem is addressed, and the right information is specified in the matrix section.
    3. When the content created by S Player is clicked after it is saved, a warning message appears and the content does not work. This problem is addressed.

- Server 3001.1

  1. Function addition
    1. In case of iPlayer, input source scheduling is possible and a hardware limitation function is deleted.
    2. UI is improved in a way that the progress of the Firmware update can be seen.
    3. A maximum of 200 content can be included in the playlist.
    4. Open API where CIFS/FTP content can be uploaded is added.
  2. Bug modification
    1. A time zone cannot be set for Lite devices that do not support the switching time of the Office content. This problem is addressed, and the time zone can be set for the Lite devices.
    2. S Player (a model for the year of 2013), which did not support DST, is modified in a way that a DST setting section cannot be seen.
    3. CIFS/FTP content, which already exists in the server, will not be copied from shared folders. The server will copy CIFS/FTP content that does not exist in the server.
    4. The special letter “@” can be used in the Sign In ID section in case CIFS/FTP content is registered.

- Mobile Management

  1. S2 Player can be supported.
  2. Multi-channels/multi-messages can be supported.

- WebAuthor

  1. In case content added with videos is distributed, the videos are not played continuously. This problem is addressed. ; A problem occurred because the wrong video time duration was saved when the content was saved. This problem is addressed, and the video time duration is corrected.
  2. The image addition function is improved. ; Thumbnail images should be used when adding high-resolution images.
  3. Text issues (Line change, tag value output, automatic size change) are modified.
  4. Some are not selected in the content opening window. This problem is addressed.
  5. In case of save/upload, errors occur inside the server. This problem is addressed.

- Download Server (3000.0)

  1. In case it is needed to create a separate content download server other than the MagicInfo server, the content download server can be installed in another PC.
  2. The download server can be linked to the MagicInfo server version 3.0 or higher.
  3. If the information of the MagicInfo server is entered during the installation of the content download server, the download server will be registered automatically.
  4. Content synchronization is automatically performed after the download server is registered. (It may take a long time for synchronization, depending on the volume.)
  5. It is possible to designate a download server for devices that access to the MagicInfo server.
  6. See the manual for download server details.

Release Date: JULY 1, 2014
Build Number: Server 3001.12

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new 3000.0 version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new 3001.1 version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is not supported due to lack of license compatibility between V2.0(200x) and V3.0(3001.x), only new installation is possible.
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.
    But, If you use V1.0 version or V2.0(2000.x), Upgrade “prm_3001_updater.zip” before you upgrade, and then “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

Resolved Issues

- Server (3001.12)

  1. The error code 4345 was happened when the online license key was activated.
  2. The entered license key is deleted when the server PC is restarted. ( in case the Note PC with 2 network card.)

New function in the next release

  1. Mobile Management will be supported in the next release.

Release Date: MAY 27, 2014
Build Number: Server 3001.11 | Author 3000.0 | Player 3001.1

The Release Notes document covers the following topics:

  • Installation Notes
  • What’s New
  • Resolved Issues

Installation Notes

How to install

  • Server : MagicInfo Server can only be installed under a Windows administrator account.
    Install the PostgreSQL program before installing Server.
  • Author: Remove previous version of client and install new 3000.0 version.
  • Client : Remove previous version of client and install new 3001.1 version.

How to upgrade

  • Server : Server upgrade is not supported due to lack of license compatibility between V2.0(200x) and V3.0(3001.x), only new installation is possible.
  • Client : If you use above V2.0(2001.3) version, Upgrade only “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.
    But, If you use V1.0 version or V2.0(2000.x), Upgrade “prm_3001_updater.zip” before you upgrade, and then “prm_3001.zip” in the case of the remote upgrade via server.

What’s New

This section lists all maintenance releases of MagicInfo Premium

What’s New in Version 3000.x

- Server (3001.11)

  1. Multi-Channel Schedule function
    1. Within the schedule for each channel, the function supports the set up and playback of contents
    2. Can easily handle schedule function which could import the other channel’s schedule.
    3. Detail information showing in the schedule information which is set in the channel number and the contents of each channel set
  2. Event Management function
    1. It is possible to set up several event conditions of occurrence in one event
    2. In every event conditions of occurrence, It is possible to set up multiple play (contents, message, play a particular channel)
    3. It is support different kind of events (Text, number, true/false etc.)
    4. When event is set, DataLink server is interworking.
  3. Event Schedule function
    1. Using pre-generated event, it is possible to release an easy and automated event schedule.
    2. It is easily possible to set up event play time, start condition, stop condition.
    3. In the server, It is possible to send a specific event value or stop condition.
    4. Open API supports for the event condition, it is possible to interwork with external system.
  4. Message Schedule
    1. It is easily possible to make message schedule due to the function of schedule period, playback time and repeat.
    2. It is support multi-effects such as transparent setting and multi background images.
  5. Backup Play function
    1. If urgent situation is happened such as power off, it is possible to play in the pre-set backup device.
    2. Expanding the tag function, backup play function can be used.
    3. Set the backup device by device group
    4. By Setting the server, it is possible to control total backup play’s on/off
  6. Release the VideoWall Layout set/cancel/preview and Schedule
    1. Without a separate videowall console, Video Wall Layout for supported devices can be set.(2014 year’s model)
    2. Using the Layout Editor, VideoWall Layout can be set by device group
    3. When the Layout be setting, it is possible to fine set for formal/informal setting, layout, identity verification and pattern.
    4. Reusing previous Layout Format setting.
    5. Supporting screen capture preview in Videowall playback device.
    6. When you schedule Videowall device, it is support various scenario such as normal or Videowall playback in different timetable.
  7. Supporting 2014 year’s model
    1. Supporting 2014 year’s model iPlayerV3.0 and S2Player
    2. After upgrading iPlayerV3.0 , it is possible to use previous iPlayer
  8. S2Player remote service function
    1. When you install MagicInfo server, it is possible to build separate server and install automatically.
    2. It is support remote service using virtual remote control.
  9. iPlayer / SPlayer device group mixing function
    1. Freely set the various Player type (iPlayer, SPlayer, SPlayer) in device group.
    2. It is only set up with Contents, PlayList and Schedule which is commonly working the device within the device group.
    3. Showing Player type supported by contents, Playlist and schedule.
    4. Setup the Videowall PlayList
  10. Apply new UI in detail view to menu tree/ monitoring
    1. Apply New UI in all menus on the left side.
    2. Apply new UI in detail view to monitoring.
  11. 2014 License Policy Support
    1. 2013 license compatibility with V3.0 is not supported
      1. 2013 License Key can be converted to the 2014(V3.0) License key ( select 2014 option in the SLM –>License History-> Regeneration Menu )
  12. Web Authoring feature supported
    1. Web Authoring feature supported where contents can be created/Deployed on the User’s browser.
  13. MS-SQL DB Supported
    1. Existing Postgres and New MS-SQL DB supported
      1. The compatible MSSQL version : MSSQL 2008
      2. The Backup of the MSSQL is not supported in this version.
    2. Choose DB type and proceed under initial installation
  14. Postgres 9.1 version is supported newly.
    1. Currently Postres 8.3.12 version supported.

- Author (3000.0)

  1. Adding Multi-Channel Schedule function(Scheduler)
    1. Adding Multi-Channel Schedule in Server, Scheduler can support the Multi-Channel.
    2. Using Channel function, it is possible to set a plurality of channels are set in one schedule. You can make up several contents at the same time.
    3. Creating the content with the plurality of channels, user can select and play the several contents without additional release.
  2. Supporting S2 player
    1. Authoring tools have been modified to meet a set’s specification (A set equipped with S2 Player)
    2. When you set the player type at S2 Player, It is possible to make a content supporting S2 Player
  3. Supporting 4K2K (VideoWall)
    1. Increasing the needs of high quality picture, adding the function which is possible to split screen and play in set.
    2. If you using this function, each set only can play previous image in each part.

- Player (3001.1)

  1. Adding Multi-Channel Schedule
    1. It is possible to create multi-channel content plans in one schedule.
    2. Administrator can change the channel by server
    3. User can change the channel by remote control or touch.
  2. Adding Event Schedule function
    1. Several types of event can be set, and that will be played when the event is happened.
    2. Server can be release the event and monitor the DataLink information.
    3. It is possible to change the media, message, and channel
  3. Supporting Message Schedule
    1. By pre-planned schedule, it is possible to show booking/repetition indication.
  4. Adding Backup Play Schedule function
    1. If you use several LFD, rarely, the main LFD doesn’t work. At that time the other LFD can show the main content which is working in main LFD.
  5. Intergration VideoWall i Player
    1. Without the Videowall Console, it is possible to schedule and synchronize the Videowall
    2. Within one schedule, it is possible to control the single and Videowall content
      1. Interlocking to Multi-Channel Schedule, it is possible to play the single/VW contents in each channel.
      2. It is possible to switch single and VW by the hour
    3. Adding Layout edit for Layout ediVW setup
      1. Fine-tuning the VW layout : it is possible to adjust the alignment using Pattern matching by server.
      2. ID mapping : it is possible to match the Physical and logical installation information
  6. Adding Brochure function
    1. User can directly navigate the contents in the schedule (Play/Pause/Prev/Next)
    2. Adding Mobile Instant Play interlock function
      1. It is possible to use Brochure by Mobile app.
      2. It is possible to play and control the contents to send by Mobile directly.
  7. Adding the touch function
    1. Adding multi-touch and gesture function.
    2. Changing channel and brochure function can be used by touch

Resolved Issues

- Server (3001.11)

  1. Improved issues related with multi-lingual License
  2. Modified access error on Monitoring Detail View
  3. Modified error control on schedule HW control
  4. Supplemented check-logic when contents is uploaded
  5. Modified top device group deletion error
  6. Supplemented Tag alignment feature.

- Author (3000.0)

  1. Change splash image and icon
  2. Reposition Datalink icon to design toolbar
  3. Modify Multilanguage problem
  4. Modify Authoring tool bug

- Player (3001.1)

  1. Modify Background music triggering function
  2. Modify License error
  3. Modify POP error
  4. Change SSL policy
  5. Change FTP PW policy
  6. Apply Setup’s screen usability
  7. Modify Drive’s available capacity processing
  8. Adding exception process when Server sends wrong sch.
  9. Stabilizing FileTransfer

New function in the next release

  1. Mobile Management will be supported in the next release.