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« 이전 버전 3 다음 »

You can choose to utilize external servers to facilitate the operation of MagicINFO Server. Click External Server Management.

DataLink server management 

Add a DataLink Server to MagicINFO Server to use additional functions.

Click Datalink server.

Server NameDisplay DataLink Server name.
IPDisplay DataLink Server IP address.
Web PortDisplay DataLink Server web port number.
FTP PortDisplay DataLink Server FTP port number.
PeriodDisplay the interval (in second) to update data from DataLink Server.
SSLDisplay status of SSL use.
BYPASSDisplay bypass option status for communicating DataLink Server.
Server Network SetupDisplay connection status between MagicINFO Server and DataLink Server.

Adding DataLink Servers

  1. To add a DataLink Server, click Add.
  2. In the DataLink Server registration window, setup each field and click Save.
    The DataLink Server name must be different from names currently in use. Click OK next to the server name field to check availability.


  • To edit DataLink Server information, click on the name of DataLink Server to change.
  • To delete DataLink Server information, select the DataLink Server and click Delete.

Managing Edge Servers

Each main server has one download server by default. It is possible to add a download server in order to reduce load on the main server.

Click FTP Server Manager.

  • To start a download server, select a desired download server checkbox from the list and then click Start. Clicking Stop stops the download server. Clicking Restart restarts the download server.
  • To remove a download server from MagicINFO Server, select the server from the list and click Delete.


You can also start, stop or restart download servers by clicking the action button next to the status indicator for each download server in the list.

Server NameDisplay the name of a download server.
IPView the public IP address for a download server.
Private IPView the private IP address for a download server.
Web PortDisplay the web port number of a download server.
FTP PortDisplay the FTP port number of a download server.
TypeDisplay download server type.
StatusDisplay download server status.


A command that has been selected to control the download server may not immediately be applied to MagicINFO Server.

Managing Remote Control Servers

Server NameDisplay the Remote Control Server’s name.
IPDisplay the Remote Control Server’s public IP Address.
Web Port
Display the Remote Control Server’s web port number.
Private IP addressDisplay the Remote Control Server’s private IP Address.
SSLDisplay status of SSL use.
StatusDisplay the Remote Control Server status.

Registering the Remote Control Server

  1. To add a Remote Control Server, click Add.
  2. In the Remote Control registration window, setup each field and click Save.
    The name for the Remote Control Server must be different from the names currently in use. Click OK next to the server name field to check availability.


To delete the information of a Remote Control Server, check the box next to the selected server and click Delete.