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Reduce the workload on the MagicINFO Server by adding Edge Server as needed.

You can also configure Edge Server to suit your needs.

Managing Edge Server from MagicINFO Server

On the main menu bar of MagicINFO Server, click Setting > External Server Management > Edge Server and manage Edge Server as follows.

  • To edit Edge Server settings, select the check box of the Edge Server you want from the list and click Edit.
  • To delete Edge Server from the MagicINFO Server, select the check box of the Edge Server you want from the list and click Delete.

Server Name

Shows the name of Edge Server.


Shows the public IP address of Edge Server.

Web Port

Shows the web port number of Edge Server.

FTP Port

Shows the FTP port number of Edge Server.


Shows the type of Edge Server.


Shows the license status and registration-related information of Edge Server.

The license status is shown as follows.

  • Need License: Indicates that a license has not been registered.
  • Need Registration: Indicates that a license has been registered and configuration of the host name and initial settings is required.
  • Registration Complete: Indicates that initial settings have been completed.


Displays the Dash Board page of Edge Server.

  • Settings that are configured from MagicINFO Server may not immediately be applied in the Edge Server settings.
  • Edge Server and MagicINFO Server use the same port number when publishing content.

Editing Edge Server settings

Click the server name you want from the Edge Server list and edit the Edge Server settings as follows.

Server Information


Server Name

Shows the server name of the Edge Server.

Edit the server name to suit your preference.


Shows the public IP address of Edge Server.


Shows the HTTP/HTTPS port number of the Edge Server.


Shows the FTP/FTPS port number of the Edge Server.

FTP Server

Shows whether the FTP server of the Edge Server is active.


Set whether the Edge Server is a master main or slave secondary server in the hierarchy.


Appears when MasterMain/SlaveSecondary is set to Slave Secondary.

Enter the master main server name.

Sync Configuration



Set the backup time for the Edge Server.


Set the backup interval for the Edge Server.


Set the backup delete time for the Edge Server.

Auto Storage Management


Auto Storage Management

Set the Storage Space and Storage Duration for the Edge Server.

Configuring Edge Server

There are two ways to configure MagicINFO Server and Edge Server.

  • Configuring as master servers a Main server (Applicable if when there are few Edge Server)


  • Configuring as master servers and slave servers a Main server and Secondary servers (Applicable if when there are many Edge Server)


  • Edge Server is set to Master Main by default.
  • You can freely change the structure by switching the roles of servers between Master Main and Slave Secondary.

Configuring as

master servers

a Main server


  1. On the main menu bar of MagicINFO Server, click SettingExternal Server Management > Edge Server.
  2. Click the server name of the Edge Server you want.
  3. Set Master/Slave to Master Main/Secondary to Main, and click Save.
  4. The change can be found under Type.

Configuring as a

master server and slave servers

Main server and Secondary servers


  1. On the main menu bar of MagicINFO Server, click Setting > External Server Management > Edge Server.
  2. Click the server name of the Edge Server to set as the master main server.
  3. Set MasterMain/SlaveSecondary to Master Main, and click Save.
  4. Click the server name of the Edge Server to set as a slave secondary server.
  5. Set MasterMain/SlaveSecondary to Slave Secondary.
  6. If you select Slave Secondary, the Master Main item appears. Select the master main server name and click Save.
  7. The change can be found under Type.
  • A master main server that has a slave secondary server cannot be changed to Slave Secondary.
  • The settings of servers set as Slave Secondary are synced with the settings of the master main server.


master and slave servers

Main and Secondary servers

To change a slave secondary server, e.g., Edge Server (B), to a master main server and a master main server, e.g., Edge Server (A), to a slave secondary server, use the following steps.

  • Master Main server: Edge Server (A), slave secondary servers: Edge Server (B), (C), (D), (E)
  1. On the main menu bar of MagicINFO Server, click Setting > External Server Management > Edge Server.
  2. Click the server name of Edge Server (B) which is set as Slave Secondary.
  3. Set MasterMain/SlaveSecondary to Master Main, and click Save.
  4. Edge Server (B) is changed to a master main server.
  5. Click the server names of Edge Server (C), Edge Server (D), and Edge Server (E), the Master Main server of which is set to Edge Server (A), change the Master to Main server to Edge Server (B), and then click Save.


    A master main server that has a slave secondary server cannot be changed to Slave Secondary.

  6. Edge Server (C), Edge Server (D), and Edge Server (E) are changed to slave secondary servers of Edge Server (B) which is the master main server.
  7. Click the server name of Edge Server (A) which is set as Master Main, set MasterMain/SlaveSecondary to Slave Secondary, and then click Save.
  8. Edge Server (A) is changed to a slave secondary server.

Main screen of Edge Server


Main menus

  • Dash Board

    Displays the main screen of Edge Server.

    Easily view information, managed from Edge Server, displayed on a single screen.

  • License

    This is the License menu of Edge Server. Use this menu to register your license.

  • Log Out

    To log out from Edge Server, click Log Out.

Menu items under Dash Board

  • Server Information

    View information about Edge Server.

  • Sync Configuration

    View the backup target, backup interval, and removal time of Edge Server.

  • Auto Storage Management

    View the storage capacity and storage time period of Edge Server.

  • Mirroring Status

    View the mirroring status of Edge Server.

  • Mirroring

    Displays a progress bar if Edge Server downloads a file from MagicINFO Server.

  • Downloading

    Shows the progress of a file being published from Edge Server to the player.

  • Network Traffic

    View the network traffic of Edge Server.

  • CPU TrafficUsage

    View the CPU traffic Usage of Edge Server.

  • Heap Memory

    View the Heap Memory status of Edge Server.