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« 이전 버전 8 다음 »

This document covers the configuration of clustering to support multiple LFDs, making expansion easier by structuring MagicInfo Server.

Installing DB server (Refer to MagicInfo Server manual)

  1. Execute MagicInfo Premium Server installer
  2. Select the feature as 'DB'  on Setup Type step

Installing WAS server (Refer to MagicInfo Server manual)

  1. Execute MagicInfo Premium Server installer
  2. Select the feature as 'WAS'  on Setup Type step

  3. Input DB server information while installing

Installing Memory server

  1. Install memcached or Redis (2.4 Memcached 설치 및 구성 ,  2.5 Redis 설치 및 구성)

Installing Proxy server

  1. Install HA proxy or nginx which has load balancing feature (2.6 HA Proxy 설치 및 세팅)

Setting Storage

  1. Remotely access the server assigned to the network drive. Change the administrator password to the password of the Tomcat server.    Go to [Control Panel] – [User Accounts] – [Change your password].

  2. Go to [Control Panel] – [Administrative Tools] – [Services]. Set the service password for the MagicInfo-i Premium server.

  3. Go to the runtime folder of the storage server, set the sharing function of the folder.

Setting config file

  1. DB server configuration - Set the following configuration the same as the DB server.

    1.1 wsrm.url
    1.2 wsrm.username
    1.3 wsrm.password
    1.4 org.quartz.dataSource.databaseDS.URL
    1.5 org.quartz.dataSource.databaseDS.user
    1.6 org.quartz.dataSource.databaseDS.password

  2.  Cache server configuration - Set the following configuration the same as the cache server.
    2.1 Memcached

    1. cache.type = memcached

    2. memcached.use = Y

    3. memcached.url =

    2.2 Redis

    1. cache.type = redis

    2. redis.config = [#redis config 파일 path입력#]

  3. runtime -Set the following configuration the same as the storage server.
    3.1 CONTENTS_HOME   = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.2 JOBS_HOME              = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.3 UPLOAD_HOME        = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.4 IMAGE_HOME           = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.5 THUMBNAIL_HOME  = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.6 VWT_HOME               = [#Storage Server runtime path#]
    3.7 MDD_HOME              = [#Storage Server runtime path#]

  4.  WebAuthor - Set the following configuration the same as the proxy server.
    4.1 webauthor.web_url 
    4.2 webauthor.web_url_public

  5. LoadBalancer configuration -  Set the following configuration the same as the proxy server.
    5.1 loadbalancer.enable =  true
    5.2 loadbalancer.port = [#browser port#]

  6. Multi server configuration
    6.1 multiple.server.enable = true