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« 이전 버전 17 현재 »

Download a sample LFD file and then use the Open Local File function in Web Author to import the file to Web Author. Now you can learn the key action functions of W Player API by using the Preview function in Web Author and publishing the file to W Player. Refer to the following for details. ▶ Saving content

About downloading

To download a sample file, click PageTransitionAndMenuBoard.zip.

A sample LFD file consists of two pages as shown below.

Default Page

If the user touches the screen during playback of default content such as an ad, a page transition takes place to play a page that contains other content such as information.


  • Background elements that will be played on the screen (e.g., advertising video/images)

  • Element that will receive a touch event for transition to a different page

  • Button and text elements that will show player information

  • Web Content


  • Performs a page transition by receiving a touch event from the event that will perform page transition.

  • Shows the IP address, MAC address, version, and other information of the player (device) by receiving a touch event from the element that will show the layer information.

  • Performs page transition and other functions by receiving a remote control keydown event and/or UDP message.

Web Author settings

  1. User Data settings: To switch to a different page, send the name of the element that will receive a touch event by saving the name in the Value field for "clickElementName" (key).

    Alternatively, send the name of the page to switch to by saving the name in the Value field for "movePageName" (key).

  2. External Data settings: Activate UDP Listener to allow webContent to receive UDP messages.

MenuBoard Page

Configures the menu board through datalink, and adds actions corresponding to events such as the sold-out event to the menu board and plays the actions. Switches to the default page if there is no user input for a specified period of time.




  • Configures the menu board by receiving data from datalink.

  • Applies the appropriate effect to a sold-out product on the menu board.

  • Switches to the page that plays default content if there is no user input for a specified period of time.

Web Author settings

  1. User Data settings: Send the user input idle time period after which the screen will switch to a different page by saving the time period in the Value field for "timeout" (key).

    Send the name of the page that contains default content by saving the name in the Value field for "defaultPageName" (key).

  2. External Data settings: Activate UDP Listener to allow webContent to receive UDP messages.

  3. Activate DataLink Listener, and use the DataLink Table to set the data that will be sent to WebContent.