(정보) Using this functionality provided by the MagicINFO REST API 2.0 requires that you use a HTTP POST Method API request. For information how you should use and configure such requests, please refer to How to Use this Guide.

(tick) How to create the request

(정보) In order to successfully upload sound content, you will need to perform the following:

Request type:
(파란별) POST
Request URL:
Request example URL:
BODY type:
BODY example:

contentType: SOUND
files: {file name}
groupId: 100

Additional information:

Send BODY parameters a formData object.

(tick) Debugging the request

(정보) If you experience problems, and cannot successfully execute this API function, please read Getting Started for clues as why MagicINFO Server is rejecting your HTTP request. You may also desire to view the Parameter Reference.