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« 이전 버전 27 다음 »

The general administrator and organization administrators can add and assign user roles.

Click Role.


  • An organization administrator is only authorized to assign roles to users under the organization where the administrator has privileges.
  • Only users with privileges to create users, such as general administrators, organization administrators and user managers, can create users that have privileges to access all MagicINFO Server functions.
  • Default roles and privileges cannot be edited.

Authority for each role

PrivilegesContents, PlaylistSchedule


Function for each authorityContents, Search playlist, Export

Create, Modify, Delete, Create contents, Download contents

(Modify and Delete can only be used by the account that has been used to create contents.)

Lock content element, unlock, edit locked content

(Only users with lock permission can lock content element, unlock, edit locked content.)

Create, Modify, Delete, Create contents, Download contents

(Every contents can be modified or deleted.)

Search schedule, Export

Create, Modify, Delete, Redistribute

(Modify, Delete, Redistribute can only be used by the account that has been used to create schedule.)

Create, Modify, Delete, Redistribute

(Every schedule can be modified, deleted, or redistributed.)

Basic RoleAdministratorOOOOOO
Content ManagerOOO

Content Schedule ManagerOOOOOO
Content UploaderOO 

Device Manager


Schedule Editor

Schedule Manager

User Manager


PrivilegesDevicesUsersServer SettingsStatistics


Function for each authorityDevice, Error, Alarm, Search alarm, ExportModify device, Delete, Move, Quick controlModify device, Delete, Move, Quick control, Update software, User logo, Remote workSearch / Export userAdd / Delete / Confirm / Reject user, Add / Change / Delete roleAdd / Confirm / Reject user, Add / Change / Delete role

Server setting, Manage tag

Add / Delete (current position, common)

Basic RoleAdministratorOOOOOOOO
Content Manager

Content Schedule Manager

Content Uploader

Device ManagerOOO

Schedule Editor

Schedule Manager

User Manager



  • Usable functions differ depending on the position where user belongs to.
  • Relationship between functions: Manage ⊃ Create Search

Adding a user role

  1. Click Add from the list of roles.

  2. Configure role settings and click Save.

    1Enter a role name and click Check Duplication to check for a duplicate role name.
    2To import privileges from a previously created role, select a role.
    3Select privileges to assign to the new role.
    • View: Assign privileges to view the selected menu.
    • Create: Assign privileges to add, edit and delete information or content for the selected menu.
    • Manage: Assign privileges to view and create information or content for the selected menu. Selecting Manage will automatically select View and Create options together.
    • Contents & Playlist > Lock: Assign lock permission to the content & playlist elements.
    • Server Settings or Statistics > Manage: Assign privileges to configure MagicINFO Server settings and access all functions related to the statistics menu.

Editing a user role

  1. Click the desired role checkbox from the list of roles and click Change Role.


    Alternatively, you can click on the role name.

  2. Edit the user role and click Close to update the user role.

Deleting a user role

  1. Select a role to delete and click Delete.


    It is not possible to delete roles that are provided by default. The following roles are provided by default:

    • Administrator: Authorized to manage overall matters of their organization.
    • Content Manager: Authorized to access and manage the content-related menu items.
    • Content Schedule Manager: Authorized to retrieve and manage content and schedules.
    • Content Uploader: Authorized to create content and playlists.
    • Device Manager: Authorized to access and manage the device-related menu items.
    • Schedule Editor: Authorized to create and edit content schedules and message schedules.
    • Schedule Manager: Authorized to access and manage the schedule-related menu items.
    • User Manager: Authorized to access and manage the user-related menu items.

  2. Click OK to delete the role.

Exporting a list of roles

  1. To save a list of user roles as a file, click Export from the role list.
    Select roles to save information of those specific roles only.
  2. Click Excel or PDF.
    Role information will be saved in the selected file type.