(정보) MagicINFO REST API 2.0 uses a vast array of parameters to control various aspects of your MagicINFO environment through API. The exact set of parameters used differs from function to function. Regardless what API functions you plan on using it is recommended to familiarise yourself with their names and descriptions.


Parameter Name







channelName(tick)Defines the channel name when creating a scheduleString

channelNo(tick)Defines the channel number when creating a scheduleInteger

contentId(tick)Defines the content UID when controlling content (i.e. creating a playlist)String

contentType(tick)Defines the content type when uploading new content (IMAGE, MOVIE, OFFICE, PDF, FLASH, SOUND, HTML, or URL)String

creatorId(tick)Defines the Creator of a resource (i.e. when creating a playlist)String

defaultContentDuration(tick)Defines the default conten duration in seconds when creating a playlistInteger

deleteMethod(tick)Defines the type of deletion method to be used when deleting content (GO_TO_RECYCLEBIN, GO_TO_RECYCLEBIN_FORCE, or DELETE_FORCE)String

description(오류)Defines the description of a resource (i.e. when editing a schedule)String

deviceIds(tick)Defines the device MAC addresse(s) when controlling devices (i.e. approving unapproved devices)Array, String

deviceModelName(오류)Defines the device model name when controlling devices (i.e. updating device information)String

deviceName(tick)Defines the name of a device when controlling devices (i.e. approving unapproved devices)String

deviceType(tick)Defines the type of a device when controlling devices (i.e. approving unapproved devices as SPLAYER)String

deviceTypeVersion(tick)Defines the version of S Player of a device (i.e. when creating a playlist)Integer

email(tick)Defines the email address of a user at the time of creationString

expiredDate(tick)Defines the expiration date of an action when controlling devices (i.e. approving unapproved devices - 2020-01-01 00:00:00)String

exportType(tick)Defines the type of report to generate when creating a POP detailed report (i.e. EXCEL or PDF)String

frameId(오류)Defines the frame ID when creating a scheduleInteger

frameName(오류)Defines the frame name when creating a scheduleString



isMainFrame(tick)Defines whether the frame is the main frame when creating a scheduleBoolean

isVwl(tick)Defines the type of a playlist or schedule (non-videowall, videowall) when searching for a playlist of schedule (1 = non-videowall, 2 = videowall)Integer

jobPosition(tick)Defines the job position of a user at the time of creationString


location(tick)Defines the location of a resource (i.e. approving unapproved devices)String

mapLocation(오류)Defines the geographic location of a resource (i.e. when updating device information)String

metaData(오류)Defines the metadata of a resource (i.e. when creating a playlist)String

mediaType(tick)Defines the type of content when creating a playlist (i.e. IMAGE, MOVIE, OFFICE, PDF, FLASH, SOUND, HTML, or URL)String

mobileNum(tick)Defines the mobile phone number of a user at the time of creationString

newGroupName(tick)Used to denote the new group name at the time of changing group name (i.e. changing device group name)String


pageSize(tick)Defines the number of sets of values to return in HTTP responseInteger

password(tick)Defines the password of a user at the time of creationString

passwordConfirm(tick)Used to confirm the user password at the time of changing user passwordString

playlistName(tick)Defines the playlist name when creating a playlistString

playlistType(tick)Defines the playlist type when creating a playlist (i.e. PREMIUM or LITE)String

phoneNum(tick)Defines the phone number of a user at the time of creationString

productType(tick)Defines the product type when creating a playlist (i.e. PREMIUM or LITE)String


refreshInterval(tick)Defines the refresh interval of URL & Web content at the time of uploading (i.e. 23:59:59)String

reason(오류)Used to denote a reason for performing the action (i.e. deleting a user)String

searchCreator(tick)Defines the name of the creator when searching for a resource (i.e. a playlist of schedule)String

searchText(tick)Defines the search caption when searching for a resource (i.e. a playlist of schedule)String

sendCleanStorageFlag(오류)Used to denote whether to clear the device's local storage space (i.e. when updating device information)Boolean

startIndex(tick)Defines the starting index when returning sets of values in HTTP responseInteger

startDate(tick)Defines the start playback date and time when creating a schedule (i.e. 2020-01-01 00:00:00)String

tagIds(오류)Defines tags to attach to content when creating a playlistArray, String

tagValues(오류)Defines tag values to attach to content when creating a playlist (if using tags)Array, String

team(tick)Defines the team of a user at the time of creationString

urlAddress(tick)Defines the URL address at the time of uploading URL contentString

urlContentName(tick)Defines the URL content name at the time of uploading URL contentString

userId(tick)Defines the user ID of a user at the time of creationString

userName(tick)Defines the user name of a user at the time of creationString