Sign In

  • MagicINFO RM Server URL consists of HTTP://(MagicINFO RM Server IP):(Port)/MagicINFO. MagicINFO RM Server IP is the IP address where MagicINFO RM Server is installed. The "port" value is the port number selected at the time of MagicINFO RM Server installation. The “MagicINFO” at the end of the address is case-sensitive.
  • Internet Explorer is the optimal environment for connecting to MagicINFO RM Server.
  • MagicINFO RM Server creates one general administrator ID when it is installed for the first time. Each organization has at least one organization administrator.
  • Approval by the administrator is required for users to sign in after sign-up.

Device management

  • To connect to VNC, make sure to install Java Web Start (serves as VNC Viewer) on the computer MagicINFO RM Server is installed on. Ensure the VNC Server program is installed on the device to connect. The VNC program is installed on a computer when a remote connection is established if not already installed.
  • Remote VNC connection may not be established in some network environments.
  • Devices that are powered on but not connected to MagicINFO RM Server are displayed as Power OFF on the monitoring page.
  • It is not possible to change the display and system settings of a powered off device.
  • Panel On time (Device > Edit > Display Control > Panel On Time) is the total time an LFD panel has been on since factory release. This function is only provided on products released after MXn. Contact a Customer Service Center for details.
  • Added devices can only be discovered if it is on the MagicINFO RM Server network.
  • The On function that remotely switches on an LFD is only available for devices that share the same subnet as MagicINFO RM Server.
  • If the time set for a scheduled alarm rule/software distribution precedes the current time, distribution takes place immediately upon scheduling.
  • New device authorization can only be performed by the general administrator (user ID: admin) or a user belonging to an administrator group allowed to authorize devices. If only one organization exists, the organization administrator can also authorize devices.
  • Some device types may not fully support MagicINFO RM Server features. Specific information can be found in relevant feature sections in this document.

User management

  • Organization administrators and general users cannot view and edit organizations.
  • Only the general administrator (user ID: "admin") can view, create, edit or delete organizations.
  • Organizations can be created, edited or deleted by using the User menu on the main menu bar. Changes to an organization are applied to menus related to content, schedules, devices and users.
  • Canceled user accounts cannot be restored by the administrators. Re-registration is required. A password confirmation pop-up window appears if a canceled user ID is entered during sign-up. If you enter the correct password, you can sign up again with the canceled account.
  • Functions that your user role is not authorized to access are not displayed.
  • Users with the privileges to access all MagicINFO RM Server functions belong to the Administrators group, together with the general administrator.
  • Only users with privileges to create users, such as general administrators, organization administrators and user managers, can create users that have privileges to access all MagicINFO RM Server functions.

Personal info management and MagicINFO RM Server settings

  • Change your password in Setting > My Account > My Information on the main menu bar. Your new password must be different from your previous password. Make sure the password is a combination of 8-50 alphanumeric characters. Repeating a letter more than three times or using more than three consecutive numbers are not allowed.
  • Canceling a user account does not delete content created by the user.
  • It is not possible to terminate a general administrator account from MagicINFO RM Server. For an organization administrator to terminate their account, they must first transfer their organization administrator privileges to another user in the same organization.
  • To issue a temporary password to a user, select Setting > Server management > Server Settings > SMTP Server on the main menu bar, and make sure the SMTP server settings are configured.