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« 이전 버전 21 현재 »

Add content files registered in MagicINFO Server to a playlist and play them on the device by using a desired method.

Click (Playlist) > Create Playlist on the main menu bar.

Initial settings for playlist

Configure the following items sequentially, click Create.

  • Supported Devices

    Select a device type that will play the playlist.


    • Devices with specifications higher than those of the selected device are automatically selected. For example, if you select S2 Player, higher versions such as S3 Player and I Player are automatically selected.
    • Select the devices that have been licensed in MagicINFO Server.
  • Playlist Type

    Select a playlist type. The items that can be selected are as follows:

    • General: Create a general playlist. It is supported by all devices.
    • Tag: A playlist can be created using tags applied to content.

      Supported Devices: I Player, S4 Player, S3 Player, S2 Player

    • VideoWall: Create a playlist to play content in VideoWall.

      Supported Devices: S2 Player. However, playback is possible in I Player and S3 Player.

    • Advertisement: Create a playlist to add in the time slot-based advertisement schedule. For details on the advertisement schedule, refer to the following. ▶ Creating a content schedule

      Supported Devices: I Player, S6 Player, S5 Player, S4 Player

    • Sync Play: Create an integrated playlist that is used to change media files for multiple playlists. To play a synced playlist on devices, make sure to create a synced playback schedule. For details, refer to ▶ Creating a content schedule

      Supported Devices: I Player, S3 Player

    • Nested Playlist: Create a nested playlist that can be including in a playlist. It is supported by all devices.


    Available playlist types may vary depending on the selected device type.

  • Default Content's Run Time

    When any tag is selected in Playlist Type, the time to play content can be set.

Configuring a playlist

Adding or deleting content

  • When you click desired content from the content list, the content is added to the playlist.
  • To delete content from the playlist, select at least one content file and then click Delete.

    When you move the mouse cursor on content, the icon appears. When icon is clicked, the content is deleted.

  • When any Tag is selected in Playlist Type, the media tag list appears. Select the desired tags.

Configuring the player settings

Set playback options for content files included in the playlist. Select at least one content file in the playlist and then click Setting.


  • Place the mouse cursor on content in the playlist. Then the icon appears. When icon is clicked, the content environment settings can be made in the same manner.
  • It is not possible to change the playback duration for content files that have a pre-defined duration, such as video files.
  • The playback duration can be set even under a content file name in the playlist.
  • You can create new tags. Click Add Tag in the tag settings window.

The items that can be set may vary depending on the playlist type selected upon initial playlist configuration. Refer to the following.

General/nested playlist

  • Playing Time: Set the playback duration for a content file.
  • Playback Date: Set the period to play content. The content only plays for a specified period. To loop playback of content, select Everyday.
  • Media Tag: Assign different tags to content files. This allows you to play content on the desired device.
  • Tag MatchType: Assign multiple tags to a content file and play the file according to matching tags. Select And to play content only on devices that have all matching tags or select Or to play content on devices that have at least one matching tag. For details on using multiple tags, refer to ▶ Managing tags

Tag/VideoWall playlist

  • Playing Time: Set the playback duration for a content file.
  • Playback Date: Set the period to play content. The content only plays for a specified period. To loop playback of content, select Everyday.

Advertisement playlists

  • Playing Time: Select the Enable checkbox to set the content playback duration. If you do not select the Enable checkbox, the content plays for the slot duration specified when the ad schedule was created.
  • Play Frequency: Set the frequency of content playback.
  • Independent Play: To set a specific playback option for content, click Independent Play. Set the content playback date, day and time and turn repeat playback mode on or off.


  • A slot is a time unit for ad scheduling. Create the desired number of slots and assign a different ad schedule to each slot.
  • Content playback time varies, depending on whether repeat playback mode is on or off. For example, if you set the playback period and time to Oct. 1 - 15, 2016 and 09:00 - 15:00, the content plays as follows:

    If repeat playback mode is on, the content plays continuously from 9 am on Oct. 1 through 3 pm on Oct. 15.

    If repeat playback mode is off, the content plays from 9 am through 3 pm daily between Oct. 1 and 15.

Playlist for synced play

When Sync Play is selected in Playlist Type, you can add or delete a group.

Select checkboxes of playlist groups to which to apply synced playback. Playlist groups with Sync deselected are excluded from synced playback. You can customize the number of content files included in a playlist and the content playback duration.

  • Add Group: Add playlist groups.
  • Delete Group: Click this menu when at least one group is selected to delete. Delete the selected group.


To use synced playback, configure the following settings:

  • Assign tags to playlist groups and devices to which to apply synced playback. For example, assign the same tag to playlist group 1 and device A. Make sure that the playlist and device use only the specified single tag. Assigning a tag for synced playback can be done when creating a synced playback schedule.
  • Assign the same types of content files to playlist groups to which to synced playback. For example, if the first content file in playlist group 1 is an image file, the first content file in playlist group 2 must also be an image file.
  • Content files that are included in playlists groups with Sync selected and that have the same playback order must have the same playback duration. For example, if the duration for the first content file in one of the playlist groups to which to apply synced playback is set to 30 seconds, the duration for the first content files in the other playlist groups must also be set to 30 seconds.

Create Random Insert

Insert additional content files for random playback in the playlist. Click the menu to create a list of content files to insert in the playlist.


  • It is available only when General is selected in Playlist Type.
  • A list of additional content files in a playlist can be created using the same method as creating a playlist.
  • Use the settings window to set the playback frequency for additional content files.
  • To insert additional content files for random playback in a playlist, the device type must be I Player or S3 Player and the playlist type must be General.

Applying conversion effects

Click icon between content items. Add effects to the beginning and end of content files in the playlist.

Saving a playlist

When you enter or set the following items sequentially and then click Save, the entire process is finished.

  • Playlist Name

    Enter a playlist name.

  • Group

    Select a playlist group.

  • Shuffle

    Select whether or not to use the random playback mode. Select OFF or ON.

  • Share

    The playlist can be shared with other users. Select OFF or ON.

  • Description

    Enter the description of the playlist to save.