Using the element edit toolbar

Select an element from the content edit section and set detailed properties using the element edit toolbar at the top of the screen.

Undo the last command to revert back to the previous state.

Redo a command that has been undone.

Cut the selected element.

Copy the selected element.

Paste an element that has been copied or cut.

Arrange several elements in a desired order.

Align several elements based on desired alignment criteria.

View sound elements, such as audio, video and input source, added to content, and turn sound on or off for each element.

Group or ungroup elements.

Configure DataLink settings.


The DataLink setting button can be used when switched from the <DLK> mode to the <LFT> edit mode.

Configure event triggers.

Automatically arrange elements to fit the grid.

Display rulers in landscape and portrait orientations.

Display the guides.

Configuring element properties

Use the element edit bar to configure detailed properties of an element. The element edit bar appears when an element is selected from the content edit section.


Displayed setting items may vary depending on the selected element type.

Modifying elements

Customize the element size, position and other properties:

  • To move an element, click inside the element and drag it to another position.
  • To change the layout size for an element, click around the element and drag to up, down, right or left.
  • To rotate an element, select the element and then drag the rotation in the desired direction. Please note that the rotation feature may not be supported for all device types. If you selected VideoWall, elements cannot be rotated.

Locking elements

Set the lock function for element to prevent other users from editing. Users with lock permission can edit.

  • Select an element to which to apply the lock feature, and click from the element editor toolbar.
  • Select a lock function to set it.

Editing an element layer

Click , and drag and rearrange elements in a layer.

Place the mouse cursor on the page and element name and select to  change the page and element name.


When creating content, if the device type is set to Videowall, it is possible to select two or more different content items and sync them for playback. Synced content items are displayed in the same color.