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« 이전 버전 18 다음 »

To newly create a RuleSet, click (RuleSet) > New RuleSet on the main menu bar.


  • When there is not play rule, a RuleSet can be saved temporarily and cannot be published.
  • A RuleSet can be published only when condition rules and play rules have been added.
  • A RuleSet can add condition rules and then different rules within the scope of previous conditions or other rules.
  • Condition rules can be added in parallel in RuleSet. However, play rules cannot be created in advance unlike condition rules. If any previous conditions, play rules can be created in parallel.
  • If no play rule set in RuleSet, icon appears.

Configuring supported devices

When the New RuleSet window appears, select a device type to apply the RuleSet.


  • Devices with specifications higher than those of the selected device are automatically selected. For example, if you select S2 Player, higher versions such as S3 Player and I Player are automatically selected.
  • Select the devices that have been licensed in MagicINFO Server.

Adding a condition rule

Before adding any Play Rule, add any Condition Rule first.

  1. In the RuleSet addition screen, click icon next to Start
  2. When the Condition Rule window appears, set the name, conditions, and the like.
  3. After configuring required settings, click Save.

The newly created rule is added in the RuleTree screen.

In the condition rule window, you can set the following.


Run a desired rule in the set time. By clicking icon, the time can be added.


Run a desired rule repeatedly in the set time (or day), daily, or monthly.

  • Once: You can set to run the rule once within the selected period. By clicking icon, a period can be added.
  • Weekly: You can set to run the rule repeatedly on every day of the week.
  • Monthly: You can also set to run the rule repeatedly every month on the selected day. Multiple items can be selected.

Device Name

You can run a desired rule through a device name. Enter the name of the device to run the rule.

  • To run the rule in the device that is the same as the device name, select Equal in Operator.
  • To run the rule in the device that is different from the device name, select Start With in Operator.
  • To run the rule if the specified content is included in the device name, select Contains in Operator.

To preview the target device list, click icon.


The rule can be run by entering the IP address set for the device.

  • To run the rule when the device’s IP is the same as the specified IP address, select Equal in Operator.
  • To run the rule when the device’s IP is within the range of the specified IP address, select Range in Operator.

Device Model Name

You can run a desired rule through a device model name. Enter the model name of the device to run the rule.

  • To run the rule in the device that is the same as the device model name, select Equal in Operator.
  • To run the rule in the device that is different from the device model name, select Start With in Operator.
  • To run the rule if the specified content is included in the device model name, select Contains in Operator.

To preview the target device list, click icon.

Screen Rotation

Set to run a desired rule based on the screen rotation mode of a device. In Operator, select Horizontal or Vertical.

To preview the target device list, click icon.

Screen Size

Set to run a desired rule based on the screen size of a device. Enter the screen size (inch) and then select Operator.

  • Equal to
  • Greater than
  • Greater than or Equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or Equal to

To preview the list of devices that runs the rule according to the specified screen size and the selected operator, click icon.

Media Tag

You can set to run the rule based on the media tags. In Operator, select And or Or.

  1. Click icon.
  2. When the media tag setting window appears, select the desired tags in the tag list.
  3. Click Apply.


Set the following items that are related to data. Set to run a desired rule that meets the set conditions.

  • DataLink Table: Select after searching from the DataLink table.
  • Tag: Select media tags.
  • DataLink tags: Select DataLink tags.
  • Tag Logic: Select any condition of And and Or.
  • Operator: Select any method of Equal and Not Equal.
  • Data: Enter desired data.


  • To have the condition opposite to the set rule, select Invert Condition.
  • To apply the specified rule to other ones after saving to the library, select Add to Library.
  • The condition rules can be created up to 10 in parallel (AND condition).

Creating a play rule

When the created condition rule is met, you can add any Play Rule that plays the specified content.

  1. Click icon.
  2. Click Add Play Rule on the pop-up menu.
  3. When the Play Rule window appears, enter its name.
  4. Select content or playlist in Type.
  5. Select icon.
  6. When the content selection window appears, select a content file or playlist to play and then click Select.
  7. Enter time in Image Duration.
  8. To add the play rule to the library, select Add to Library.
  9. After configuring required settings, click Save.

Adding a default play rule

When one or more condition rules have been added and all condition rules are not met, you can set the default content to play.

Click the icon under the same column as the added condition rule and then click Add Default Play Rule on a pop-up menu. Select content in the same manner as in the play rule and then save it.

Saving a RuleSet

After configuring condition and play rules, click Save. When the saving window appears, enter the following items sequentially.

  • RuleSet Name

    Enter the RuleSet name.

  • Group

    Select a group to apply the RuleSet.

  • Default Content

    Select the default content to play when the RuleSet is not applied.

  • Description

    Enter description for the RuleSet.

Enter the required items and then click Save.