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« 이전 버전 16 다음 »

The general administrator and organization administrators can add and assign user roles.

Click (User) > (Role) on the main menu bar.


  • An organization administrator is only authorized to assign roles to users under the organization where the administrator has privileges.
  • Only users with privileges to create users, such as general administrators, organization administrators and user managers, can create users that have privileges to access all MagicINFO Server functions.
  • Default roles and privileges cannot be changed. For details on the default rules and privileges, refer to the following. ▶ Privileges for each role

Adding a user role

  1. Click Add from the list of roles.
  2. When the role addition window appears, set the items sequentially.
  3. After configuring required settings, click Save.

The roles for new users are added in the role list.

The items that can be set for user role are as follows:

  • Role Name

    Enter a role name to create. To check for duplicate role name, click Check Duplication.

  • Role

    Privileges for other roles can be imported for modification.

  • Selecting an access privilege

    You can select access privileges to each menu. Select a privilege for the role.

    Content & Playlist & RuleSet

    View, Create, Lock, Manage

    Schedule, User

    View, Create, Manage


    View, Create, Lock, Manage

    Server Settings, Statistics


  • Details

    Select an additional privilege to access the Device menu.

Editing a user role

  1. In the role list, select a role to modify.
  2. Click Change Role.
  3. When the role modification window appears, proceed with modification.
  4. After modification, click Save.


  • The user role name can be modified after being clicked.
  • For user role, only one role can be modified.
  • Default roles and privileges cannot be changed. For details on the default rules and privileges, refer to the following. ▶ Privileges for each role

Deleting a user role

  1. In the role list, select a role to delete. Duplicated items can be selected.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. In the pop-up window, click OK.

The selected roles are deleted from the role list.


  • The default roles and privileges cannot be deleted. For details on the default rules and privileges, refer to the following. ▶ Privileges for each role