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Sv translation

After successful installation of the Authentication server with SAML protocol you need to include your SAML signing certificate in Authentication Server using below steps.

1.Open CMD (Run in Administrator mode) and stop the MagicInfo Auth server process by the following command if Auth server is running.

taskkill /F /IM "MagicINFO Auth Server.exe" /T

2. Create new folder named ‘samlkeystore’ inside installation directory of MagicInfo Authentication server.

NOTE: Java is required to be installed in system to run keytool commands.

3. Create keystore file with the following command

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -noprompt -alias tomcat keyalias -dname "CN=commonname, OU=organizationunit, O=organization, L= locality, S=state, C=country" -keystore samlkeystore.jks -validity 9999 -storepass password -keypass password

NOTE: make changes in the value of various options of the above command, if needed.

4. Create new folder named ‘samlkeystore’ inside installation directory of MagicInfo Authentication server.

5. Place keystore file in ‘samlkeystore’ folder.

6. AddyourSAML signing certificate to above created keystore file.

keytool -import -alias samlcert -file samlcert.cer -keystore samlkeystore.jks

7. Update second linein “MagicInfo Auth Server.vbs” file located at ‘C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp’

wshShell.run """D:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth\jre\bin\MagicInfo Auth Server.exe"" -DMAGICINFO_AUTH_HOME=""C:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth"" -jar ""D:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth\resources\jar\magicinfo-auth-server-1.0.0.RELEASE.jar"" --server.port=8081 --server.ssl.key-alias=tomcat --server.ssl.key-store-type=JKS --server.ssl.key-password=changeit  --server.ssl.key-store=${MAGICINFO_AUTH_HOME}\keystore\authkeystore.jks --saml.sp.keyStore.path=""file:///C:/Program Files/MagicInfo Auth/samlkeystore/samlkeystore.jks"" --saml.sp.keyStore.password=changeit --saml.sp.keyStore.defaultKey=tomcat --saml.sp.signing.keyAlias=tomcat --saml.sp.encryption.keyAlias=tomcat"


Added Property information:

--saml.sp.keyStore.path = path of the newly created keystore containing SAML signing certificate.

--saml.sp.keyStore.password = keystore password

--saml.sp.keyStore.defaultKey = key alias

--saml.sp.signing.keyAlias = key alias

--saml.sp.encryption.keyAlias = key alias

8. Restart Authentication Server.

Sv translation

After successful installation of the Authentication server with SAML protocol you need to include your SAML signing certificate in Authentication Server using below steps.

1. Open CMD (Run in Administrator mode) and stop the MagicInfo Auth server process by the following command if Auth server is running.

taskkill /F /IM "MagicINFO Auth Server.exe" /T

2. Create new folder named ‘samlkeystore’ inside installation directory of MagicInfo Authentication server.

NOTE: Java is required to be installed in system to run keytool commands.

3. Create keystore file with the following command

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -noprompt -alias tomcat keyalias -dname "CN=commonname, OU=organizationunit, O=organization, L= locality, S=state, C=country" -keystore samlkeystore.jks -validity 9999 -storepass password -keypass password

NOTE: make changes in the value of various options of the above command, if needed.

4. Create new folder named ‘samlkeystore’ inside installation directory of MagicInfo Authentication server.

5. Place keystore file in ‘samlkeystore’ folder.

6. Add your SAML signing certificate to above created keystore file.

keytool -import -alias samlcert -file samlcert.cer -keystore samlkeystore.jks

7. Update second line in “MagicInfo Auth Server.vbs” file located at ‘C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\StartUp’

wshShell.run """D:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth\jre\bin\MagicInfo Auth Server.exe"" -DMAGICINFO_AUTH_HOME=""C:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth"" -jar ""D:\Program Files\MagicInfo Auth\resources\jar\magicinfo-auth-server-1.0.0.RELEASE.jar"" --server.port=8081 --server.ssl.key-alias=tomcat --server.ssl.key-store-type=JKS --server.ssl.key-password=changeit  --server.ssl.key-store=${MAGICINFO_AUTH_HOME}\keystore\authkeystore.jks --saml.sp.keyStore.path=""file:///C:/Program Files/MagicInfo Auth/samlkeystore/samlkeystore.jks"" --saml.sp.keyStore.password=changeit --saml.sp.keyStore.defaultKey=tomcat --saml.sp.signing.keyAlias=tomcat --saml.sp.encryption.keyAlias=tomcat"

Added Property information:

--saml.sp.keyStore.path = path of the newly created keystore containing SAML signing certificate.

--saml.sp.keyStore.password = keystore password

--saml.sp.keyStore.defaultKey = key alias

--saml.sp.signing.keyAlias = key alias

--saml.sp.encryption.keyAlias = key alias

8. Restart Authentication Server.

NOTE: Java is required to be installed in system to run keytool commands.