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댓글: Content imported from a Scroll Translations translation file.


Sv translation

This allows you to view set events per page and general flow for all events.

  1. Click Image Added. The event flow preview window appears. Thumbnails for each event page are shown, along with arrows that represent event flow.

  2. Drag the page thumbnails to change their location or size.

    screen INLINE


    Image Added

    1Test to confirm that each event is triggered in Player as set.
    2Arrange page thumbnails.
    3Zoom in or out of the screen.
    4Fit to screen size.
    5This allows you to view the general flow for all events set for the page. Right-click on the gray background to add pages.

    Displays the thumbnail and element information for the page. 

    • Click the the thumbnail or element information to test and confirm that each event is triggered as intended in the Player.
    • Right-click on the area to add pages or design elements.
    7Displays the name of the event.
    • Click the event name to test and confirm that each event is triggered as intended in the Player.
    • Right-click on the event name to delete or edit the event.

  3. Close the event flow preview window when complete. Return to Premium Author.
    The screen will show a prompt if there have been changes. To save the changes, click Yes.
