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Sv translation

When an user is not registered in MagicINFO PremiumMagicINFO Premium cannot be logged in through MagicINFO Authentication Server.

To perform user authentication with external user account information, the same account as that of external user must be registered in MagicINFO Premium.

Registering a user

  1. Login to MagicINFO Premium Server.
  2. Click (User) on the main menu bar.
  3. Click Add User
  4. When the user addition window appears, enter basic information and organization of the user.
  5. After configuration, click Save.

New users are added to the user list.

NOTE: User Id of MagicINFO Premium user should be same as the User Id of external account infromation.

For example: If the user Id of external user is testuser@externalidp.com then add user with user Id testuser in MagicINFO Premium Server.

Sv translation

By syncing between MagicINFO Authentication Server and LDAP, user authentication can be made.

Before use

When an LDAP user When an user is not registered in in MagicINFO Premium, MagicINFO Premium cannot  cannot be logged in through through MagicINFO Authentication Server.

To perform user authentication with LDAP external user account information, the same account as that of LDAP external user must be registered in in MagicINFO Premium.


When LDAP 계정 Sync 기능 이용하기 is used, the accounts can be registered automatically.

Read the pages shown below.

하위 페이지 표시

Registering a user

  1. Login to MagicINFO Premium Server.
  2. Click Image Added(User) on the main menu bar.
  3. Click Add User
  4. When the user addition window appears, enter basic information and organization of the user.
  5. After configuration, click Save.

New users are added to the user list.

NOTE: User Id of MagicINFO Premium user should be same as the User Id of external account infromation.

For example: If the user Id of external user is testuser@externalidp.com then add user with user Id testuser in MagicINFO Premium Server.