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Image ModifiedMagicINFO Server 8 introduces a brand new, comprehensive and powerful API through which you can utilise the power of MagicINFO from within your own web applications.

MagicINFO REST API 2.0 is split into API Groups. Each Group corresponds with a particular area of MagicINFO functionality. Below is a list of API Groups currently supported in MagicINFO:

(tick) Authentication API Group

Provides functions pertaining to Authentication

(tick) Content API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Content

(tick) Dashboard API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing the Dashboard

(tick) Device API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Devices

(tick) Edge Server API Group
Provides functions pertaining to Edge Server

(tick) Playlist API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Playlists

(tick) Ruleset API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing  Ruleset

(tick) Schedule API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Schedules

(tick) Setting API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Server Settings

(tick) Statistics API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Statistics

(tick) System API Group
Provides functions pertaining to System Settings

(tick) User API Group
Provides functions pertaining to managing Users

As MagicINFO REST API 2.0 is a RESTful thus Representational state transfer API, in order to use it you will need to make HTTP requests directly to the host on which MagicINFO Server 8 is installed. The four main HTTP Methods used by MagicINFO REST API 2.0 are as follows:

(star) GET

A GET HTTP request is used when you wish to retrieve information from MagicINFO Server

(녹색 별) PUT

A PUT HTTP request is used when you wish to update information within MagicINFO Server

(파란별) POST

A POST HTTP request is used when you wish to create a resource within MagicINFO Server

(빨간 별) DELETE

A DELETE HTTP request is used when you wish to delete a resource within MagicINFO Server

In most cases you will find yourself using functions of the API, which utilise all of the above. Once you combine all types of HTTP Methods and use functions of the API, you will be able to perform complex operations, and control MagicINFO Server as if you were doing so manually through the Graphical User Interface (GUI) in your web browser.

As MagicINFO REST API 2.0 is a RESTful thus Representational state transfer API, you can utilise it via any means that suits your own environment, either in a API tool such as Postman or Insomnia, or directly from within your source code written in Python, PHP, Ruby on Rails, ASP .NET etc.

(정보) Before you can start using the API you must first authenticate yourself as a validated user. As such you will need to use functions provided within the Authentication API Group. For more information please see the section entitled Getting Started.

Once you have authenticated yourself as a valid user, and have received back a valid response containing an access token, you are free to use the functions found within other API Groups depending on the type of auctions you wish to perform.

(정보) Before you start fully using this guide it is recommended that you familiarise yourself with its structure and use of icons. For more information, please see How to Use this Guide.

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