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댓글: Content imported from a Scroll Translations translation file.
Sv translation

MagicInfo Player는 MagicInfo Author 저작도구에서 저작된 콘텐츠, 기타 멀티미디어(이미지, 동영상, 사운드 등)를 서버 또는 로컬에서 배포하여 재생하는 Application 입니다.

다양한 재생 지원

  • 저작도구 콘텐츠, 일반 미디어 콘텐츠 재생
  • 다양한 요소들(동영상, 이미지, 사운드 등) 재생
  • 테마(페이지) 간의 슬라이드 전환 효과
  • Alpha, Push, Reveal, Fade 등 다양한 효과 제공
  • 구성 요소의 애니메이션 지원
  • Streaming 기능 지원
  • 시간에 따라 변동되는 동적 데이터(텍스트, 이미지, 동영상, 워드아트) 재생
  • 동적 데이터의 다양한 재생(데이터 그룹수집 주기 설정 및 실패 시 표시 방법 등)

다양한 디스플레이 해상도 지원

  • 원본 크기 유지 / 화면 채우기 / 원본 비율 유지
  • 가로 및 세로 방향 디스플레이 지원
  • 다중 디스플레이의 확장 모드 지원
title다운로드 안내

MagicInfo Player의 PDF 버전 사용설명서를 다운로드 받으시려면, 여기를 클릭하세요.

To download a MagicINFO Player user manual (in PDF format)

that distributes and plays the contents and other multimedia (image, video, and sound) that are made using MagicINFO author tool on the server or local.

Support playing different kinds of contents

  • Play author tool contents and general media contents
  • Play different kinds of elements (video, image, and sound)
  • Slide conversion effect between theme (page)
  • Provide different kinds of effect such as alpha, push, reveal, and fade
  • Support animation for component
  • Support streaming function
  • Play dynamic data (text, image, video, and word art) that is changed depending on time
  • Play dynamic data in different forms (setting data group gathering interval and display method in case of failure)

Support different kinds of display resolution

  • Maintain original size / Fill screen / Maintain original ratio
  • Support display in horizontal / vertical direction
  • Support expansion mode in multiple display
Sv translation

MagicInfo Player MagicINFO player is an the application for publishing and playing back content created with the MagicInfo Author tool, as well as other multimedia content (images, movies, sounds, etc.) over servers or local area networks.

Various Playback Functions

  • Playback of created content and general media content
  • Playback of various components (movies, images, sounds, etc)
  • Slideshow effect between themes (pages)
  • Various effects, including Alpha, Push, Reveal, Fade
  • Animation supported in components
  • Streaming function is available
  • Playback of time-based changeable dynamic data(Text, Image, Video, WordArt)
  • A variety of dynamic data playback (Display on how to mark when the data group collection is set or failed)

Wide Range of Screen Resolutions Available

  • Original size / Full screen / Original ratio
  • Horizontal and vertical display modes are supported
  • Extended multi-display mode is supported
titleAbout downloading
titleDownload guide

To download PDF version user manual for MagicINFO player, click here.

Sv translation

MagicInfo Player es una aplicación para publicar y reproducir contenidos creados con la herramienta MagicInfo Author, así como otros contenidos multimedia (imágenes, películas, sonidos, etc.), a través de servidores o redes de área local.

Varias funciones de reproducción

  • Reproducción de contenidos creados y contenidos multimedia generales
  • Reproducción de componentes diversos (películas, imágenes, sonidos, etc.)
  • Efecto de transición de diapositivas entre temas (páginas)
  • Efectos variados, como Alfa, Empujar, Revelar o Desvanecer
  • Animación compatible en los componentes
  • Función de transmisión disponible
  • Reproducción de datos dinámicos variables en función del tiempo (texto, imagen, vídeo y WordArt)
  • Variedad de reproducción de datos dinámicos (Pantalla sobre cómo marcar cuando la recopilación de grupos de datos se establece o falla)

Amplia gama de resoluciones de pantalla disponible

  • Tamaño original, pantalla completa o relación de aspecto original
  • Modos de visualización horizontal y vertical compatibles
  • Modo multipantalla ampliada compatible
titleAcerca de la descarga

Para descargar el manual de usuario de MagicINFO Player (en formato PDF), haga clic aquí.
